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cw: manga spoilers (ch

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cw: manga spoilers (ch. 178)

"eh?! n/n hurry up!!" kakucho shouted as he waited for you to finish putting your coat on.

you spent the past few months hanging out with izana and kakucho, it was a very weird dynamic between you three but none of you cared.

a day with the two of them was anything but boring, izana somehow always gets weird ideas that will get all of you scolded, kakucho would just follow him and obey his orders then there was you, trying to stop them from doing anything stupid. there was one time where izana suggested trashing a random car in front of the orphanage, he was grinning so wide and it was creepy, kakucho was against it at first but followed when izana questioned him if he was going against the 'king', you had no idea how izana managed to convince you to join but yeah, the three of you ended up breaking the car's windshield, tires, headlights, outside mirror, and handles.

you thought you were gonna get scolded or something but turns out the owner of that car was mirai's ex-boyfriend, who only dated her because he was a p3d0 and she was working with kids.

serves you right hisoka kinnie!

earlier, you woke up feeling colder than usual, only to find out it was snowing, you originally had no plans on getting up from your warm and comfortable bed but kakucho slamming the door open said nope. the ravenette urged you to get dressed in warm clothes, you were reluctant at first but still obeyed, it was better than getting dragged outside by izana with nothing but your pajamas on.

after you finished putting on your coat, kakucho immediately grabbed your hand and sprinted away, reuniting with izana along the way.

"good morning n/n!" izana smiled at you, grabbing your other hand.

now you were getting dragged by two overly excited males.

"IT'S SNOWING!!!" they both shouted in awe, eyes shining in enthusiasm.

'they're so cute'

"c'mon!!" kakucho pulled you away from izana.

izana tilted his head to the side before following after you and the ravenette, "where are you taking n/n?"

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