Chapter 2

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(2 days later you just got off of work and it starts raining) Damnit I don't have an umbrella , "as you walk out the door you notice a tall man standing outside with an umbrella it's Ran) Ran what are you doing here?, hey (Y/N) your brother said you walked to work today and asked if I could pick you up-Ran,I appreciate but I'm old enough to get myself around, "Ran then grabs your waist and puts you under the umbrella" stay under here or you will get wet and sick-Ran, "sigh" let's go then, "as you guys are walking back home you recall the other day with the gang members" hey Ran I have a question for you, I see what's the question?-Ran, the other day these men grabbed  me and asked about you and Rin, then I managed to get away, but your brother appeared and pulled me into an ally while I was running from them, when I asked him about them he told me they were gang members, and that you guys are a part of a gang, Rin can't keep his mouth shut-Ran, is this true?, yes it is true we are gang members-Ran, why are you here then what do you have to do with zero?, zero and us are just childhood friends, Rin and I are staying with you guys while trying to find someone important-Ran, someone important?, yes that's a story for next time-Ran, " as you guys continue walking Ran looks upset" (grabs rans hand) hey I'm sorry for putting my nose were it does not belong but I was curious I didn't mean too-, "ran giggles" how cute of you to think about my feelings-Ran"ran pulls you towards his chest and lightly kisses your forehead" "in shock you blush" now now (Y/N) we are almost home let's hurry before we get sick-Ran, (back at home in the shower) what is wrong with me, are these brothers purposely messing with me?, "knock on door" hey (Y/N) it's me zero I'm going to work now I got called in-Zero, ok see you later!, great now I'm stuck with these two guys for the night, "about 10 minutes later after your dressed and walk downstairs" (Y/N) do you wanna watch a movie with us?, ok I'm coming, "as you sit down in the middle of the couch, Rin is on your left and Ran is on your right" (8 minutes into the movie) "you feel a warm arm slowly wrap around your waist it's Ran you also feel your left thigh being touched it's Rin" "you flinch" ok I can't what is up with you guys?!" You stand up" what are you talking about?-Rin, what's wrong-Ran, you guys know exactly what I mean!, ever since you guys came you've both been messing with me non stop it's driving me crazy!, it's driving you crazy?-them both, "cocky smirks appear on there faces" what are you trying to do?, well to be honest I've taken an interest in you- Rin, I also find you fascinating-Ran, You guys are talking nonsense I'm gonna head upstairs" as you walk away surprised and confused of what you heard"what is going on,(an hour later you go to the bathroom) in a room you hear a thump in a room you get worried and run in" are you oka-, "you see Rin lying on the floor half naked" sorry I heard a loud bang and ran in, it's fine it's none of you business anyways-Rin, ok whatever, "as you get up and are about to walk away Rin pulls your hand" wait a moment I didn't mean it like that-Rin, "he pulls you on his bare chest staring at you in your eyes", go on a date with me tomorrow-Rin, a date?, but why?, I told you I was interested it you-Rin, how about zero?, your a grown up zero won't care-Rin, ok I'll go but don't do try anything funny, you mean like this?-Rin, "he then rolls you over switching positions with you, you are now beneath him" (he unbuttons a button on your shirt and starts passionately kissing your neck) " you let out a noise" w- wait Rin, what it's sounds to me your enjoying this-Rin, "as he moves on from your neck and he starts kissing your lips, now sitting up he starts unbuttoning your shirt without breaking the kiss" (you put your hand on his chest feeling him) (Y/N) "Rin says in a low voice" I want to touch you more-Rin, "you wrap your arms around his neck pulling him closer to you he lifts you up so your sitting on his lap" your driving me mad-Rin.

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