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     Gasped was loud echoing around after that loud splashed reached everyone's ears especially mine that still refusing to accept my brain was trying me to understand that what was happening right before my eyes was actually REAL.

     Pam pushed Win, causing his feet that was just one step away at the very edge of the pool moves and loosening his balance making him fall into that pool.

     I wasn't able to move, my body froze at that point feeling both my feet stuck on the tiled floor as I was just looking blankly at the disturbed water with body quickly submerging under.

     Then, I heard Khao's voice screaming Win's name that makes me jolts and awakes me from the sudden slumbering. Just then I quickly jumps off into the pool without even cared if I still had my shoes on for all in my head was Win.

     Drifting down, my brain untimely became off-track decided to malfunction at times when I needed it the most, almost as if light but at the same time heavy making me feels like I was going to freak out when I couldn't find any sign of him.

     The cold water I felt was prickling my skin but it didn't stop me from searching and decided going down more couples of feet if I need to, just to find him.

     Holding my breathe, I looked around the dark water.

     I feel frustrated, fighting the pain off of being lost in the middle of my own fear.

     'Swim, Bright! Swim!' Shout at the back of my brain. 'You need to find him! You need to find the one who made you feel lost for the first time!'

     For I...

     Still haven't tell him anything yet not even explained why Pam was there that day and had to seen that unexpected kiss I knew pained him so badly and made him cry. I need to find him. I have to... to finally tell him... EVERYTHING! Then...

     I saw him, finally! But almost lifeless, as if he's letting himself be eaten whole by both the coldness and darkness of the harsh cold water.

     I swim, encouraging myself to make it even more faster, despite the struggle my whole body was experiencing as the water fighting against me to go further. I am almost stupidly pleading to nothingness, as my eyes started stinging, causing me blinked painfully underwater, blurring my vision even more as tears I know already bursts out angrily now mingling with the flow.

     Soon after few moments, finally I got a grip of his cold arm, and instantly my arms move on its own wrapping around his limp body, one hand crawls behind his neck and I, subconsciously, connected my mouth with his, sustaining the oxygen he'll be needing, then resume to swim upward, as faster as I possibly could to get out of the cold and dark water.

     I made it! Us now on the surface. With all faces, different emotions filled that I wasn't able to give all names on each, looking at us, but only one clear. RELIEVED. As they all can see, US, already safe and out of danger.

     But NO! There hasn't even small movement yet from the boy I was holding. And I felt like my brain was at the verge of exploding.

     Hastily, I get him out of the water, him, I carry bridal style, before putting him carefully down on the cold ground, still unconscious making my insides freaking out.

     My ear quick on his cold mouth, shuddered at the touch of his delicate but cold skin, but reminded myself to do exactly what's on my mind. SAVE HIM!

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