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Nezuko pov

'This man is letting me live with him! He said I could stay for awhile, but I'm a bit nervous. He's a demon slayer..' I get lost in thought and bump into a poll
"Ow!" I yell, the boy laughed at me and asked if I was alright. 'I don't know whether or not to trust him..' "yes I'm fine.." I sigh and after a few more minutes of silence we make it to his house.

I think to myself 'that place is giant..!' "Is that really your house?!" I ask in disbelief, and he just nods and uses his fingerprint to open the door.

Zenitsu Pov

While we were walking to my home, the girl ran into a poll, and that's when I realized, 'Shit I never asked her name did I?! Okay, I'll ask once we get inside but for now' "are you alright?" I say laughing a bit.

"Yes I'm fine.." she says quickly and sighed 'did I say something wrong?' I was confused, why did she sigh? We made it to my house and I open the doo with my fingerprint as this girl I barely know is astonished by my home for some reason.

No one's Pov

Once Zenitsu and Nezuko were inside Zenitsu showed Nezuko around, once they had finished they sat down on the couch in the living room. They learned each others names and talked to each other for a good 4 hours before realizing that it was 3:00 am.

Nezuko Pov

"What time is it?" As she looked outside, it was pretty dark out. I saw Zenitsu look at his wrist and back up at me, "3:23 am" he said then yawned. "You should sleep, you are a demon slayer after all.."

He looks at me and smiles, "goodnight Nezuko." I just nod, "goodnight" I slightly smile then stare out the window. Once Zenitsu is gone I sigh, 'I don't know if I can trust him or not but I feel so safe here..'

Time skip 5 hours

No one's Pov

Nezuko found her way to Netflix on the t.v and was watching an anime called "A silent voice" and she was crying silently.

Nezuko pov

I was watching this sad anime movie and was crying, at some point Zenitsu came out to check on me and he sat down next to me, I just sobbed and told him what happened.

He chuckled and hugged me, "it's just a show it's not real, also I've watched this before, it has a happy ending!" he told me and my eyes were locked to the screen again in suspense.

Zenitsu Pov

She was so addicted to this movie I couldn't get her to pause it for even a second, she even watched the end credits, she's obsessed. "Nezuko, are you hungry?" I ask forgetting what I'm talking to.

"No, I sleep for energy so goodnight." And with that she drifted off into a deep slumber. I just laughed and made sausage and eggs for myself, and ate them while watching anime on Hulu.

Time skip to a week later

Nezuko Pov

I just woke up, i had slept for a week, apparently that worried Zenitsu because when he saw I was awake he gasped and lectured me telling me "make sure to tell me if you gonna sleep for a week!!" I just laughed "I'm sorry, i haven't slept for 2 weeks. I was exhausted." He just sighed.

"Are you alright?" I ask as he just started walking back to the other couch and he fell onto it and nodded, i could barely see it, "okay" I said to him and then walked over and turned the tv on.

Time skip 6 weeks

Zenitsu Pov

I had made a box for Nezuko to sit in while I went out, it was made out of thick wood and had a door in the front. We thought it was perfect once we learned that she could shrink, so she'd shrink, get in, and sleep while I went and slayed demons.

I had a job today to slay a demon spotted near are town, he was dragging something, but that's all I know so far. So once again me and Nezuko went out to go find and slay some demons. Nezuko could tell where they were so she'd sometimes knock in the right direction. Since I have very good hearing she doesn't need to knock very loudly for me to notice, just a simple quiet knock is enough.

Once we found the demon it turned out he was an upper rank, I fought with him for over an hour.

No one's Pov

Zenitsu had been thrown and the box fell. The demon picked it up and opened it, there sat an angry Nezuko. She growled and kicked him, his head went spinning. She wasn't to strong but she had been training for 5 weeks. She ran to Zenitsu and helped him up.

Demon Pov

I looked at the box as it hit the ground and heard a growl, I picked up the box and opened it. This demon girl growled at me and kicked me in my head, I ended up getting dizzy. "What the hell!" I scream as the girl runs over to the hashira.

"Why is a demon girl traveling with a Hashira!!" I screamed at them, the girl looked pretty weak so I went to attack her first, I went to grab her by the head but the lightning boy slit my wrist, my hand went flying.

"GRAA!" I yelled angered more then before, all of the sudden my head is spinning and I hit the ground, they were working together, the boy cut my feet off and the girl kicked with all her might. 'This can't be it!' I thought to myself.

Nezuko pov

I growled at the man and kicked his head, it was spinning and I heard it crack while I jumped out of my box to help Zenitsu, I helped him up and then the demon started yelling at us.

"What the hell!" He screamed, and "Why is a demon girl working with a Hashira!!" I just sighed and looked at Zenitsu, he nodded, but then the demons hand was nearing my face.

Zenitsu slit his wrist and his hand went flying, we knew we had to hurry before his hand grew back. Zenitsu sliced his feet off and then I with all my might kicked. The demon had fallen and Zenitsu took his katana to the demons neck, and asked one simple question before the demons head and body disappeared.

I couldn't hear it but I didn't think much of it, and I just got back in my box, Zenitsu lifted me up and he dropped me off at the house before going to the hashira meeting place.

No one's Pov

Nezuko had been playing with a ball for a while now, and then heard a knock at the door, she decided whether or not to open it but decided against it because she didn't know who it was.

Suddenly the door was forced open, Nezuko hid in her box and didn't move at all, then heard a calm voice saying "I know your here, stop wasting my time."

Nezuko pov

I peaked out of my box and saw the boy from that night, the bland one, I gasped and hid. I wanted Zenitsu, he'd protect me.. I started overthinking and then my box door was opened. "please don't hurt-hurt me!!" I pleaded, my eyes stayed shut tightly.


Authors note

Hello! I hope you enjoy this chapter, I had to stop writing in the middle because of school but I finally finished! So finally here's chapter 4, have a great day/night/afternoon everyone!

Word count-1305 words!

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