Chapter 15: Alone

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Hey. New chapter. This one is for Partijsha, one of my new readers. I love it when you guys comment :)

I was in the same position when the task force workers returned. They had arrested the motel Misa Amane on charges of being the second Kira, and public drug charges. I didn’t really listen though. I just stared forward.  

The only movement I did was getting into the limo to go to a new base that we would be staying at while we were detaining Miss Amane. I kept the pictures in my hand and clutched them like a lifeline.  

I had my own room in the new place. It was like a mix of a prison and a hotel. I went straight to my new room and collapsed on the bed. I didn't want to think about anything. I didn't want to do anything. 

I was almost afraid to close my eyes. I knew that if I did, my mind would be flooded with images of Kei and my mom and dad. 

Kei had looked so much like dad. He was tall, whereas I was small like my mom. We had the same hair before he bleached his. We both had mom's gray eyes, mine mixed with dad's blue.  

I blinked.  

Don't remember, I told myself. Memories make you cry. I didn't want to cry anymore.  

It was cold at night. That was when the memories were the worst. No one visited my room during the day, except to bring food. The food was usually left uneaten on a table by the door. At night, I had visitors. I had the ghosts. 

I knew that it was just my mind playing tricks on me, but I saw them. I hadn't seen my parents' ghost in years. Now I saw them and Kei, standing next to each other, calling out for me to find them. 

"Kei," a little dark haired girl called from her bed. 

"Yeah Ama?" a young white haired boy looked up from his bed to the one next to him. 

"I-I see them," the girl's voice shook. "There right over there." A small hand pointed to a corner of the room. The corner where the man and woman stood, looking at her with silent tears falling down their faces. 

"It's okay, Ama," the boy said soothingly. "I'm here for you. You know your always safe as long as I'm here for you." 

He wasn't here. He said that I would be safe as long as he was there, but he was gone. He was gone and I was alone.  

This needed to end. I couldn't take this. Two days and I couldn't take this. I hadn't slept more than a half hour total and those minutes were clouded by nightmares. My hand slid under my bed and found the kitchen knife I had taken from the silverware they had brought me for eating.  

It would be over quickly, I thought. I would be happy once it was done. Finally happy. Something in my mind nagged at me. What about L? What about him? I don’t know. It wasn't like I had a chance with him anyway. 

I crawled onto my hands and knees, then propped myself up on my knees. The knife was in my hand.  

No regrets. 

L's POV 

Masayo hadn't come out of her room. I was beginning to feel worried. She hadn't eaten at all today. I put some food onto a plate and started slowly towards her bedroom. The door was open a crack.  

I approached the door silently, opening it a little more with my free hand.  

"Masayo?" I asked. I looked through the door and froze. The plate fell from my hand and landed on the floor with a loud clatter. Food flew off the silver surfaces and glasses cracked.  

In the door, Masayo was sitting on her knees. Dark circles piled beneath her eyes and mascara streaks had yet to be wiped off. Her hair flew in wisps from the updo it had been in. But, what frightened me the most was the knife she had pressed to her chest, right where the heart was.  

Her bluish-gray eyes met mine. They looked terrified. I wanted to go to her and tell her not to do it and pull the knife out of her hands and hold her but I was still frozen in my place. Finally, my mouth became unglued.  

"Masayo," I shook my head. "Don't." 

"I'm sorry," she whispered. She stood up, keeping the knife firmly pressed to her chest. "I'm sorry." 

"No, you don't need to do this," I took a step forward and she took a step back. 

"Yes I do," she cried. "They're always going to be there now that their gone. I can't live like this." 

"Masayo, please," for the first time in a long time emotion found it's way into my voice. I wasn't sure what to make of it. 

"I'm sorry," she spoke between tears. The tip of the knife just barely pierced her skin. Red blood pooled on the surface of the cut. She was crying and shaking her head back and forth rapidly. Her hair fell from the clip and fell around her head. 

Then, she stopped. The knife fell from her hands and her legs seemed to go limp. Masayo sank down, sobbing into her hands. I moved towards her and crouched to her level, wrapping my arms around her small frame.  

"Why?" I asked her quietly, my face now only inches from hers. 

"Because," Masayo said in a broken voice. "I have no one left." 

"That's not true," I shook my head slightly. She looked up at me with slight confusion in her saddened eyes. "You have the entire task force, and the Yagami family, and...." 

"And?" she asked quietly.  

"And you have me."

Aw! He does care! I think this will be one of the most depressing chapters in this... well we're through the worst now! On to happiness (hopefully)!

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