Chapter 16: Aftermath

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Hey! I'm here! I almost forgot to update today. Ha ha. Can you imagine? *receves glares from crowd* Alright then! On to the story!

L held me for another hour or so. I sobbed into his chest and he stroked my hair till I calmed down. After that he brought me a sandwich and a glass of water. He crouched in a chair next to my bed as I ate.  

He seemed hesitant to leave. I guess I understood that. After all, I had just attempted suicide.  

L stayed there till I fell asleep. I woke up the next morning and he wasn't in the chair. Instead he was sitting at a desk with his laptop. 

"Good morning," he said. Though something was different about his voice. It wasn't as monotone as usual. 

"Morning," I yawned. "Can you step out? I need to get dressed." 

"Of course," L nodded. He shut his laptop and stood up, heading for the door. 

"Oh, and Ryuzaki," I spoke. He stopped next to the door and looked at me. "Thank you." 

L stood there for a second, then nodded and left, closing the door behind him. 

I was dressed in a pair of black sweatpants and a purple hoodie when I came downstairs. It was almost ten and the task force was busy at work. I took a deep breath as I entered the surveillance room. 

"Hi guys," I smiled and waved slightly. Five pairs of eyes turned to me. 

"MASA!" Matsuda exclaimed, standing up and hugging me. "We were worried about you!" 

"Really?" I asked.  

"Yeah," Aizawa nodded. "You didn't come out of your room for two days." 

"Well you can't really blame her," Light's voice came from his desk where he had turned his swivel chair towards me. "We're all kind of struggling with... this, but she had it the worst." 

I was thankful for two things at that moment. One thing was that Light hadn't said his name. I don't know what I would have done if he had said his name. The second was that L hadn't told anyone about my suicide attempt last night. They obviously didn't know about it. I gave L a thankful glance and he returned it with a subtitle nod.  

"Well I'm here now so what did I miss?" I asked, sitting in a chair next to L and looking at the monitors.  

"We have contained Miss Amane, though she hasn't really spoken," L told me. I looked at the monitors again. There was a blonde girl who I recognized as Misa Amane. She was in a tan bodysuit straight jacket thing with some sort of ropes tied around her. Kind of extreme, if you asked me, but better safe than sorry. 

Light's POV  

I opened the door to my room and sighed angrily as I sat down in my chair. 

"What's wrong?" Ryuk asked as he stood over me. "You seem upset.' 

"This is a disaster," I growled slightly. "I didn't know that the man was driving. I didn’t know that he would keep moving even after he was dead." 

"Oh," Ryuk hummed. "You mean that car accident that you caused." 

It was true. I had accidentally caused the accident. The driver of the car that killed Kei had been a criminal who had not gone to jail. I had given him a heart attack, but I hadn't known the repercussions. Now Kei was dead, and it was all because of me. 

"It doesn't help that Masa hates me," I sighed. "She hates my guts. Even if I were to convince her to join my side, the second she found out I was responsible she would literally kill me." 

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