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How do y'all say Breanna's name?

I say it like "Bree-Anna" not "Bree-on-nuh"

Breanna POV

The smell of espresso, pancakes and bacon lingered through the air as Enzo and I walked down to the kitchen. It'd only been a few hours since we'd all gone back to bed and I was tired to say the least. And sore. My body was catching up to the shit Luciano's put me through since he got back.

Lorenzo and I took seats at the table while the maids set out breakfast. I thanked them quietly a few times as they came and went. Luciano's family slowly filed in, leaving Russo, Luciano and his father the last to come to the table. When they finally arrived, everyone started to eat, the table was mostly silent before Lazaro began to speak.

"Did you make breakfast too?" He asked, looking at me.

I shook my head slowly, "Didn't wake up early enough." I lied. I was up as soon as Luciano left the bed early this morning, he changed into gym clothes and left for about two hours, while I sat on my phone, then came back. I listened to him shower and shave before getting on the phone and getting mad. The man has anger issues, and he's been pissed since. He spent the rest of the morning in his office before joining us for brunch.

"Well dinner was good." He said. I shifted uncomfortably in my seat, mumbling a 'thank you', only glancing at him.

"Brea makes me lunch." Enzo chimed, shoving a forkful of pancake into his mouth.

"When was the last time you went hunting?" Armando, Luciano's father, asked the boy.

Enzo shrugged his shoulders, "I don't member." He said. The kid has no concept of time unless it happened in the last twenty four hours, Luciano took him for training a couple of days ago, before we got here, and they went hunting probably a week or two ago.

"Then we'll go today yes? You will accompany your padre and I for the day." Armando nodded.

"He's fine here." Luciano said.

"No, it's good for your heir to start learning how we run our businesses. The first time I brought you into one of my brothels you were barely two." He said. I cringed hearing him refer to Lorenzo as an heir. I was working so hard with Luciano over that, and this man will reverse it all.

Luciano rolled his eyes and I could practically feel his annoyance, "He has tutoring today, try again Saturday." He said before standing up. He straightened his suit, "I've been invited to a charity event next Friday, I figured since you all will be imposing until next Saturday you all could join us. Breanna will dress everyone, she's good at it, and Emilia will come down." He said before walking out. Maybe I was just being sensitive, but he didn't even glance at me, not even when he spoke about me. Maybe I just wanted a reason to be butt hurt.

Russo walked out next; Armando and Lazaro followed shortly after, leaving Enzo and I alone with Lara and Luciano's mother.

"Your dinner last night was very good." His mother said.

"Thank you."

"I am...I apologize for jumping to conclusions about you. You have to understand that the age difference, and money, it looks very...suspicious." She explained.

"Well your son catfished me sooo..."

"Catfish?" She questioned.

"It's like when someone pretends to be someone they aren't, like another person." Lara said, rolling her eyes before mumbling something about how her mom was old.

"How'd he catfish you?" She rose an eyebrow.

"Well for one, he definitely lied about his job...and the fact that he has kids, and I thought he was in his early to mid twenties. Did you know he's thirty?" I held my hand over my chest and let my mouth fall open.

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