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One Month Later

Breanna POV

I fucking hate him. That bastard.

I stormed into his office, Matteo and Toni hot on my trail.

"I can't fucking believe him." I grumbled, swinging myself behind his desk and kicking his chair out of the way.

"You shouldn't be in here." Matteo warned.

"Oh like I give a fuck." I rolled my eyes and started pulling at his drawers. The desk had five drawers, four of which were locked. "Damnit."

"Breanna." Matteo warned, walking over to me.

"Where's the key?" I asked, practically yelling at them.

"Mamma!" Lorenzo yelled, running into the room. He was dressed in a little suit, looking quite adorable if you ask me. But if he was here right now, that meant his father wasn't too far behind.

Damnit again.

Lorenzo entering the room distracted me long enough for Matteo to grab me from behind, picking me up.

"Put me down!" I twisted and turned in his arms but it was no use, if he wasn't watching me, eating or sleeping, he was training.

"You asshole, you know he did it too!" I tried jabbing him with my elbow but it was a failed attempt. God—I need to get myself trained or something, I still can't throw a punch.

"Put her down." Luciano's loud voice boomed through the room.

"Put her down!" Lorenzo screamed, stomping his foot. If I wasn't so mad at his twin right now, I would laugh.

"Hush." Luciano pushed the side of Lorenzo's head making him stumble a little, but nonetheless he wasn't affected by it. Matteo set me down on to my feet and removed his hands, putting them up like Luciano was going to arrest him any second now.

"Out, all of you." He snapped. I stood with my arms crossed, putting all my weight on my left foot and tapping my right on the floor.

"Find your nanny." Luciano instructed Lorenzo, who said "yes sir" before walking out behind Matteo and Toni. Luciano closed the office door and turned towards me, giving me a slight glare.

"Give them to me." I held my hand out.

"You don't need them." He said.

"Luciano I swear—"

"You'll what? Fight me?" He questioned, followed by a laugh.


"Like what?"

"I'll give you a fucking viagra then keep my legs closed." I rose an eyebrow up at him, challenging him.

"Baby, you can barely keep your hands off of me." He chuckled darkly, walking towards me.

"I have self control, I just choose not to control myself." I rolled my eyes.

"Oh I'm sure." He shook his head, not taking me seriously at all.

"Where are they?" I asked, trying to get us back on topic.

"I have them."

"I know you fucking have them, give them back."

"What is it you say to me? 'Stop cursing at me.'" He mocked.

"I'm not playing. They're mine."

"And I don't want you using them, I keep telling you that."

"You can't just decide you don't want me using something and take it away. I need them."

"I can. And you don't need them. I've told you plenty of times before I had you covered."

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