Chapter-9 Follow the leader

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Yesterday, I told one of the staff to burn to wig.

That stupid thing was the root and cause of my downfall. I am pretty sure of it. So to say, I think it deserves a bitter end.

I was walking along the hallway with my bag slung over my should as usual. I made a stop at my locker and grabbed the needed books for my first period. Then, I headed for my classroom.

Once I opened the door, my eyes scanned the area for a bit to make sure the pests - a.k.a the student councils - weren't around.

"Morning, Marinette!!"

"Marinette! Hi!"

The student greeted me but I took no interest in them as I continued my search. When I found no sign of them, I smiled on the inside and headed for my seat. I placed my bag on top of my table. I pulled out my headphones and played some music on my phone as I gazed out at the window towards the field.

I closed my eyes as I focused on the song and smiled inwardly as I sang the lyrics inside of my head.

But then, the music suddenly stopped.

No, not because my phone died, but because someone pulled my headphones out. I felt one of my veins pop when I whirled around to see the bastard that disrupted my almost-fine mood.

Allegra was right there in front of me as she grinned. "Good morning, Marinette. How are you?" She greeted and beamed brightly at me.

I, on the other hand, felt one of my eyes twitch while my hands balled into fists like a crazy person ready to pounce.

You know that feeling that you wanted to do something such as hurt a person but you just can't?

Yeah. That's the feeling.

And it didn't help when the rest of her gang arrived. Marin, Felix, and Claude entered the room and all the girls went nuts. Felix and Marin don't seem to mind but Claude gladly waved at them.

When Claude caught sight of me, he made a gesture as if to wave, but seeing the murderous look on my face made him think twice that he slowly lowered his hand to his side. But even though that look worked on Claude, it didn't work for the other two.

Marin ignored my look as he quietly made his way to his seat in front of me. Felix, on the other hand, rolled his eyes as if he had seen that look a million times before he went to his seat behind me.

On the bright side at least they aren't talking to me.

I was about to place my headphones back on when I noticed Marin twisting in his seat to face me. He placed his hand on my table as he looked at me in the eye. "We need to talk to you." His feature turning serious.

"No." I deadpanned, but I know for a fact that Marin wouldn't give up and would argue more. Luckily, the bell rang signaling for our first period. A second later, our professor arrived, bringing the whole class to full attention. Marin hesitated as he gave me one last look before he faces front.

The class stood up and greeted our professor before we all sat down. After what seemed like years of listening to other teachers teaching about their subjects, it was finally time for us to have a short break. I let out a sigh of relief as I started to stretch my legs and arms, grinning slightly for the wonderful feeling it left.

I saw the other students hurried to go out of the room. I watched and waited patiently for them to leave. As soon as the door closes, I plan to sleep. That was until I noticed that I wasn't alone in the room.

Oh great.

My eyes darted back and forth towards the four remaining students. Allegra, Felix, Marin and Claude quietly sat in their seats. There was an awkward silence for about a few seconds and within each one, I felt that something bad might happen.

I watched them cautiously in case they make a move. When I noticed that they weren't doing anything, I decided to head out since I can't take the atmosphere anymore.

When I got up from my chair, I noticed that they also stood up. My muscles tighten in response as their chairs made noises on the floor. I looked at them one by one but they were all looking in front as if they don't notice me.

I sat down and they did the same. This time, my eyes narrowed in suspicion as I abruptly got up. In my horror, they followed.

I gritted my teeth as I took a seat, only to see that they also did the same.


This is getting annoying.

I got up again and they followed. But this time, I only pretended that I was going to sit. When they followed, I took that opportunity as I kicked Claude's chair away made him fall on the ground.

"Fuck!" He yelled as he fell.

At that moment, I gave them all a pointed look. "What do you guys want now? If you've got something to say then say it. I'm getting tired of this." I said.

They all exchanged glances before returning their gazes back at me. Finally, Allegra decided to talk. She had a small shy smile on her face as she said. "We just wanted you to hang out with us."

I raise an eyebrow at her. Is this one of their way of keeping an eye out for me?

"They mean it this time you know?" My head turned to see Felix at my side. He sighed and put his hands into his pocket as he looked at me. "We already know that you wouldn't tell our secret seeing as we already have something of yours too. But Allegra here wanted to make friends with you."

I gave him a dubious look. "And you're okay with this?" I asked. Knowing fully well that he doesn't like me and I don't like him either. He shrugged.

"Heck no. I don't like you one bit. I tried to tell them not to but it leads to a votation. They won as I was the only one who was opposed to the idea." I looked at him in surprise before I shifted my gaze to the other members. My heart started to feel warm knowing that they wanted to befriend me.

But I quickly shook that feeling off. I can't make friends now especially not after what happened in the past, triplets are enough for me.

Instead, I frowned at them. "And what makes you think I like to be friends with you? I appreciate the offer but I don't like any one of you.Sorry, but will you please just leave me alone?"

I took in all of their expressions one by one. Felix rolled his eyes and looked away. Claude  looked at Allegra who was pursing her lips and looking down at her feet while Marin had an unreadable look on his face.

"Okay then. If that's what you like. We'll leave you alone from now on unless you're the one who engages in a conversation first." Marin said. "But if you change your mind, you can have lunch with us in the student council room." With that, he looked at all of his members and nodded at them before they all head out of the room and leaving me all alone.

I felt guilt welling up inside of me. I really didn't mean those words. I wanted to make friends, but there are just things that you want that you can't have. At least not yet anyway.

I sighed and took my seat as I waited for the bell to ring.

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