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Y/n was at mikey's house. She was preparing a school project with Emma since they are at the same class. They was pretty tired
Cuz they was working from 10 am to 5 pm without any break. So they decided to go to the kitchen and search for some snacks to eat. The two girls were searching and they heard foot steps behind them. They turned their faces to see the person,it was mikey.

He stopped in front of them and crossed his hand saying
"you're finally done with that stupid project,so we can go now y/n"

"we did not finished<that stupid project>and no, I'm not going with you any where until I have finished <that stupid project>" y/n said returning her face to the fridge searching for something.

"whattt!? But you promised me that you're going to watch the sunset with me, I'm getting jealous !" mikey said raising his voice a little bit.

"But mikey we should-" she was cut off by Emma and she said.

"it's OK y/n you can go with mikey,you're staying with us this night so we can finish the project later and btw we don't have any snacks so you can buy us some" she gave her a soft smile.

The girl looked at the boy who was waiting for her answer and rolled her crossing her eyes.

"alright I'll go with you, how can I say no to you " she smiled a little bit but didn't let anyone see it

"really!?" mikey said with sparkling eyes

"yeah, whatever"

The blonde boy quickly took the girl's hand and runed to the door but y/n stopped him

"wait wait wait wait!? Don't tell me that you're going to go with that p-j"

"oh! I forgot about it, wait for me in the living-room" he said and run towards his room and y/n do what he said.

After couple of minutes, he got out and go to the girl who was waiting for him. He saw her crossing her legs sitting next to shinichiro watching a romance movie.

"I'm ready,let's go" he stood in front of her.

She stared at him for a moment and looked at him from toes to face. She returned to watch the movie saying "your outfit is boring, and your hair is always the same"

He was a little bit surprised about what the girl said and he crossed his hand turning his gaze to the other side and said "so show me what is the non-boring outfit for you"

She let out a small chuckle. She turned to shinichiro smiling saying "let's continue the movie later chiro-kun"
That nickname that y/n gave to shinichiro always make him smile.
"alright, have a good time you two"
She grabbed his hand and run to his room.

They two laying on the bed. Y/n was thinking about the outfit that she'll give to him. She suddenly stands up

"let's start with the hair" she said and go to the bathroom to get a hairbrush and a hair tie.

She starts Combing his hair. Mikey was blushing and smiling, this is the first time that his best friend comb his hair. She ties his hair into a small ponytail letting two strands of hair from the front.

"mikey! You look so cute and beautiful" y/n said with sparkling eyes proud of what she did

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"mikey! You look so cute and beautiful" y/n said with sparkling eyes proud of what she did.

Mikey just blushed.

She went to his closet to pick an outfit. She was searching for something simple and cute. An oversized light green t-shirt with a simple floral design on it grabbed her attention. She gave it to mikey and took a yellow shirt, gave it to him too.

"go try it" she gave him a closed eyes smile and he went to the bathroom to try it.

He got out and show the outfit to y/n.


He gave her his beautiful smile with a pink tent on his cheek. Tha t is enough to make y/n happy for the last of the day. She blushed a little bit.

"I'm not gonna lie, I kinda like this one" he said still his smile on his face that made y/n blushed hurder.

"alright then, let's go!" she said smiling back at him.

They went to the door and said to shinichiro and Emma that they're going now.

They got on the motorcycle. Y/n was warping her hands on mikey's waist and her right cheek on his back. She played some of her favorite music to enjoy the ridewith him.

"mikey, where are we going?" the girl said her cheek on the boy's back.

"it's a surprise"


They're now arrived at the beach.
Y/n go and sit on the sand and mikey beside her. They watched the sunset and quiet music playing. Y/n slowly put her right cheek on his shoulder that made him blushed a little bit. The sun now is gone. But they stayed on the same position watching the moon. The whole time no one said any single word enjoying the sound of sea waves. After a moment,y/n broke the silence

"thank you Mikey for bringing me here, I enjoyed the view" she said hugging him.

He smiled and then hugged her back. She stood up and smiled
at him with closed eyes putting her hands in her pants pockets. Mikey just stared at her with wide eyes. She was wearing white pants and a simple oversized t-shirt. Her hair was tied in a ponytail and dancing in the air. The moonlight was reflecting on her that made her prettier.

"Let's go mikey, Emma and chiro-kun must be waiting for us now" she said offering mikey a hand and he accepted it.

They got on the motorcycle and go. They stopped at a store to buy some chips and continued their way to home. Y/n was warping her hands on mikey's waist. Mikey was riding peacefully but he felt that y/n's hands are slowly fading from his waist. He turned to see what happened to her and he saw her sleeping. A soft smile is showing on the boy's lips and he returned to focus on the road.

"you really are sleeping, well I'm not surprised. You were working so hard on that project"

The girl just let out a small chuckle but she still sleeping.

"you just look so cute when you're sleeping"

They arrived in front of the house. Mikey stopped his motorcycle and got off it. He carried y/n between his two hands and entered.

"you two are finally hom-" Emma said but she stopped when she saw y/n letting out cute Snores in mikey's hands and he was smiling.

He put his finger on his lips and said.

"shhh... The princess is


Sorry for posting this so late cuz I have a lot of school work.

I will post the next chapter soon <3<3<3!

Love you guys take care of yourselves 🦋💓💟🦋💟💓💟💓🦋🦋💓💟💓;-)💓💟💓💟💓💟💓💟💓;-)(^_-);-)💓💓<3<3:'(❕❕


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