Chapter 1: People fading out of life

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At school you make friends every year you are introduced to new people. But you only really know how much you meant to these people when you leave that school or campus. I shifted several schools and over the years I've never had anyone stay, people forget you when you disappear, and what hurts the most is when they don't even try to make contact, even when it's easy. That brings me to the conclusion is that "people fade out of your life".

No. I did not just jump to conclusions, maybe I did, but my conclusion is the idea. People fade out of your life; your job is to master the art of acceptance and moving on and grieve less over these people.

Think of it in this way. You're going on a drive at night and the sky is clear, the moon staring down at you like your parents and then there are the stars. Each of them shining bright. Now, you're going to pass so many you will hardly remember any of them, somewhat like people. You keep driving life and people will certainly pass by you. The moon however remains in the night sky, sometimes disappearing behind the clouds but it's still shining and it's still the one lighting your night, isn't it? Just like your parents.

Now someone may argue differently that your parents aren't always there for you. Which I understand, parents these days don't normally understand you, and if they do, they aren't really sure of how to help you out if you need help for instance, but one thing is for sure most of us have parents for financial support in our teens and I believe that is where the moons example really fits.

There's going to be a few stars that you will definitely find different from the rest, while the others seem distant, like the people you meet, some are going to shine brighter and look a little closer to us. Pretend the stars that shine brighter are the friends you make along the way who stay. Let's take the brilliant example of the dog star, Sirius which means "glowing in Greek" as searched up by the author herself previously. So, Sirius shines bright in the night sky, just like the friends in our lives, they too disappear behind clouds sometimes. We don't always have them around, but we know that when they are their for us, they're going to be a lantern lighting up a dark space in our lives.

These are just a few ideas I conjured up on point. I imagine there are so numerous other ways to see how "people fade out of your life". This is just the most common one which I adapted into something relatable to most of us. I mean who doesn't like going on car rides and admiring the night sky, right? 

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