Reunited at Last

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Erin and Mal gasped and ran towards the door. After seeing Ben and Jay for themselves through the glass, they threw the doors open and rushed towards their respective fiancés. "Ben!" Mal breathed as they embraced each other.

Upon seeing Erin, Jay rushed forward and swept her into his arms, spinning her around, filled with relief. When he set her back down, they looked each other over for injuries.

"I'm okay," Jay said. "You?"

"Much better now that you're here. Uma tried to restore my voice, but it turns out being an unconventional princess puts you at the top of Audrey's revenge list."

"Well, you did push her into a koi pond."

Erin gaped and smacked his chest. "You pushed me!"

"No, that's not what happened and you know it." They laughed and shared a short kiss, which turned into a loving hug.

"I have got to hear this story," Uma said after sharing an intimate moment with Harry. The couple separated just enough to hold each other to their sides, smiling at Uma. "Sorry I couldn't get her voice back."

Jay smiled. "Thank you for trying. We appreciate it. And hey, if you think the koi pond story is funny, I have a ton more where that came from. Erin isn't known for her grace."

Erin smacked her fiancé's chest again, which only made him and Uma laugh. She huffed and rolled her eyes as Jay kissed the side of her head.

"I always knew you'd be part of the solution," Ben said to Uma, and she smiled bashfully.

Mal, Uma, and Ben talked about his new beard and teeth as Erin signed to Jay, "I like Ben's new look."

"We found him as a beast. Jane used enchanted lake water on him and this happened."

Before Erin could respond, she and Jay were hit with a stream of water. He yelled as they tried to shield themselves. When the liquid assault ceased, they were nearly drenched, and they looked at their attacker.

Jane was smiling proudly with a water squirter in her hands. "It's enchanted lake water. The boys told me what happened and I wanted to help."

Erin tried to make a sound, but nothing happened. Jane cringed and muttered, "Oops. Sorry."

Offering Jane a small smile, Erin wiped some of the excess water off her skin and clothes.

"And on that note," Mal said to Ben, "We all think that Audrey could be at Fairy Cottage. We have no idea where it is. Did she ever take you there?"

"Every Fairy Godmother's Day." Sadness glinted in Ben's eyes. "Where is Fairy Godmother when you need her?"

They glanced at Jane, hoping she had some idea, but she didn't. "I wish I knew."

As Carlos gave Jane her birthday present, Jay pulled Erin aside to not only give his brother some privacy but to also talk to Erin about his time searching in the forest with the guys.

"I'm sorry." Erin's brows furrowed and she was about to sign a rebuttal, but Jay held his palms up. "Let me finish."

Erin nodded and grasped his hands. "You and Evie were right before. When we found Ben as a beast, he was terrified and tried to take us down. Harry saved me. He didn't even hesitate, and neither did I when I did the same for him. And Gil... He's given me this whole new outlook." Erin smiled and gave his hands an understanding squeeze. "You know, lately I've been feeling so pressured to pick the right college and be the best athlete. I don't even think Gil realizes that he's taught me to enjoy being in the moment. He's taught me to find happiness in the little things. Like spending time with you and looking at flowers or berry bushes." He chuckled and squeezed Erin's hands. "I guess having them here isn't such a bad thing after all."

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