Friends by lmmorals

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Title: Friends

Author Username: Immorals

Amount of reads on entry: 46k

Amount of votes on entry: 5k

Amount of parts on entry: 29

Description: "You, Michael Clifford, have the ability to take over my very thoughts simply because of your smile. You, Michael, posses the power to turn my legs to jelly simply because of your beautiful mind. You have managed to tear my heart to pieces, one million times over simply because you've never wanted me the way I've wanted you. It's taken you over a decade, and now, here you are at my doorstep in the pouring rain, asking me if I love you, as if you don't already know the answer. That's pathetic and you know it."

or the one where michael wears too much pink, calum is a sucker for michael's red lips and luke and ashton are completely oblivious to everything else but each other.


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