cold || mono x reader

505 16 6

your eyes opened slowly, vision blurred and limbs sore. soon, your eyes adjusted to the lighting and you looked around, confused.

where am i..? you thought in slight fear. you had no memory of the past, and not the slightest clue of where you are. it was all so confusing.

despite your current situation, you decided it was best to look around. as you stood up, you felt a throbbing pain in your body, making you groan.

"ah, crap.. my body hurts like hell." you mumbled, sloppily staggering towards the exit.

the moment you exited the room, it felt as if the temperature had dropped at least by 20 degrees. you shivered, trying to cover your skin with your hands.

the floorboards creaked with every step you took, but it didn't bother you. you soon entered a room with a tv, filled with complete static. in front of it was a tattered couch, with a giant fridge.

there was also a big window, which you were grateful for.

"alrighty, let's see where i'm at." you said softly, peeking out the window.

it looked like a city, except with a lot of rain and a more gloomy atmosphere. most of the buildings were also tilted and in poor condition, but they seemed to be holding up fine.

you then walked over to the fridge, checking to see if anything good was there.

as expected in a place like this, there was nothing good. well, apart from this disgusting looking.. piece of meat?

suddenly, a strange distorted noise was heard from the room you were previously in. you quickly whipped your head around, seeing a bright light coming from the room you awoke in.

you walked over to the room slowly, opening the door. there was.. a tv?

that wasn't there before. you thought, freaked out completely.

suddenly, an indescribable shriek came from behind you—making you turn around quickly, only to see a strange being with a melted face.

(1st person)

i screamed as loud as i could, quickly pushing past the strange thing.

i ran as fast as my legs could take me, not even hesitating to jump out the window.

however—i was not prepared to land, and so i slipped off of the tiles and fell at least a few 10 feet, landing on my stomach.

i spat out some blood before wiping my mouth, and groaning in pain.

i felt dizzy, and my vision was blurring. i felt something wet and warm on my head, so i raised my hand weakly and gently poked at the spot.

it turns out, my head was bleeding a lot from the fall, which wasn't too surprising.

however, before i could do anything else—i blacked out completely.


my eyes jolted open as i sat up quickly, realizing i was still in the same place. i huffed in relief, but suddenly i had heard some voices.

i forced myself onto my legs and ran further, til' i tripped on a rock and landed on my extremely sore leg.

"shit!" i hissed, hugging my bruised knee that was swelling.

i quickly slapped my hand on my mouth, crawling towards a nearby alleyway.

"did you hear that?"

"yeah.. i'm not sure if we should go check though."

"but whatever made that noise sounded human."

"what if it's a trap?"

"then we'll just escape like always, now let's go."


the conversation ended there, and the tiny pitter patters grew nearer.

please don't find me, please don't find me, please don't find me. i internally pleaded, feeling tears fill my eyes.

i soon realized that the footsteps were really close, so i quickly crawled behind the dumpster and a few trash bags.

"there's nothing here mono."

"huh? i could've sworn i—"

i hiccuped—not being able to hold it in. oh crap, you idiot. i gasped quietly, tensing up even more and closing my eyes.

"found you." a male voice whispered in my ear.

i shrieked, kicking his stomach and jumping to my feet, trying to limp away. i heard him groan.

"wait—i'm sorry! don't leave!" the voice exclaimed, making me stop.

are they like me? i didn't see their faces.

i slowly turned my head, feeling something drip down my face. "oh fuck, i forgot about that." i mumbled, covering my wound on my head.

"that looks pretty bad." a female voice pointed out. "my name is six. that's mono. sorry if he scared you." six said bluntly.

"ah—uh.. it's okay.. sorry for uh, kicking you." i apologized quietly.

"it's fine, i get it. what's your name?" mono asked.

"y/n." i said briefly.

"nice to meet you, y/n. where are you headed?" mono asked.

"i don't know." i admitted, a bit embarrassed.

"huh? what do you mean?" six asked.

"i just woke up in a strange apartment, and then came across this weird melted figure who almost killed me—so i jumped out of the window and almost got myself killed." i explained, shrugging.

"ouch." six said quietly.

"anyways, wanna join us?" mono asked.

"uh.. sure. it's not like i'd survive on my own anyways, i'm not fit for this stuff." i mumbled.

"it's alright. now, let's go. we've wasted too much time." mono said before grabbing your hand.

(gonna make a part 2 sometime later)

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