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None pov :

Fast time skip after 5 years :

Unfortunately, ever since after that last fight of the kimmin couple,Yg never came back to Mn..

Now it's been long 5 years since Yg had left Mn..

Mn had been living all alone in these 5 years..

And here,the most surprising fact is finally Mns whole lifestyle changed in these 5 years..

But it didn't changed as Ygs expectations, it changed really differently..

Ever since Yg left the house, Mn broke..
He got deceived  by his own people..
Kim couple( Mns parents)suddenly abandoned him for no valid reasons..

They snatched every properties that they gave Mn for his living..

The mansion, house, money everything..

They left nothing for Mn..

And so just within overnight, Mn got on the street..

Mn got devasted and so he started seeking help from the strangers on the street..

After not eating a single food for a long week, Mn finally broke his all attitudes and self respects and then he started to beg on the streets..

5 years had passed now..

For his little stomach,Mn now started to earn pennies by playing guitar on the street..

Cause this is the only thing he can do all in his life..

With the change of time , his all luxury habits got vanished with his liabilities..

Mn now lives in a small cottage..

Now he barely earn some pennies for his own and so often he has to live without eating anything without water. 

Right now as usual he's playing guitar on the street and was hoping for someone to give him some pennies to help..

It's so cold outside and Mn was barely wearing something to cover up his thin body..

He was just wearing a half pant and a tore off shirt..

His nose was running and body was continuously shivering in cold..
But he still didn't stop playing guitar..

Cause he badly needs some money to survive himself..

He was breathing slowly and was patiently waiting for the passerby to at least notice him..

A cold sigh..

Mn looked down sadly as like his usual day no one was even looking back at him..

Mn stopped playing guitar and looked back at his vacant bowl..

It's been 4 hours straight since when he was playing guitar. 
But today no one came forward to give him some help.

Mn picked up his bowl and blankly stared at the empty bowl..

His heart was shrinking in pain but no tears was leaving from his eyes.

He's in deep pain but it wasn't showing through his cold face. 

He forgot to cry now for always being in pain.

Again a cold sigh..

Mn looked forward at the passerby helplessly and still hoped for someone to help him..

Mn was looking here and there like a lost puppy when suddenly he felt someone just stood up before him..

It was a little boy..

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