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None pov :

Mn now shamelessly ran after Yg while calling Ygs name .

Yg finally stopped with his friends and looked back at Mn with a super cold face. 

Mn now also stopped his running and now stood before Yg ..

Yg now just  crossed his arms to his chest and asked Mn with a cold mood ..

Yg : What ???
What do you want now ??( Asked coldly with a mood )

Mn : ( suddenly felt himself very hesitant to confess his needy problems but then shamelessly asked Yg )
C-can we just talk alone for some minutes ???

Yg : ( directly replied)

Mn : ( got shook by Ygs response ,so he just said )
O-ok . .
F-for some seconds then ..

Yg : ( still replied with a mood )
I can't waste my time with you..
I've so many works and things to do..

Mn : ( now certainly felt so upset by Ygs denying & so he just upsetly pouted and nodded his head defeatedly while looking down )
F-fine then ..
I'll just wait for you guys to come back with your Yj Noona.

Yg :...

Mn : Bye..  (sadly left the spot),

Seeing how Yg just ignored Mn , Jm now asked Yg ,

JM : Yoongs..
How long you want to ignore him like this.. ???
He looked so upset though..

Yg : (only sighed sadly seeing Mn leaving upsetly and now replied)
As long as he doesn't learn his lessons Jiminie..

Tae: But.. ( cut off by Yg )

Yg : Guys .. ( sighed sadly and confessed )
I know I'm doing wrong by treating him like this ..
But ...
I've no other choice..
I've to do this for our own good..

JM & Tae :.....

Yg : ( continued)
Mn's not someone who's really doesn't want to learn anything from his mistakes.
Rather he's like those people who's really afraid of facing and accepting his own mistakes.

JM and Tae:.....

Yg : Earlier.
Whatever Mn did with Jm was wrong.
And I think he should be Sorry for that. 
But look , he seems like he doesn't care about that at all ..

JM :(sighed softly and said)
Yg. Just let it be..
You know he didn't mean to do that though..
He just did that cause he didn't know that I'm your best friend..

Yg : Still Jm..He shouldn't had gone too far for being a protective husband for me. 
I mean..
He should give me some personal space right??
Why he always acts like a jealous hunk , whenever he finds me with another man.  ????

JM :(was about to explain but got cut off by Ygs sudden change of tone )

Yg : What the fuck !!!(cursed in a shocked mode seeing an unexpected scenery before him )

Tae &JM : (looked forward where Yg was looking by his big doe eyes)

Tae &JM saw a girl standing before Mn and was fondly hugging and kissing on Mns cheeks  while sweetly smiling at Mn for all the time..

And the girl seemed quite closer to Mn as she pulled away from Mn and now was sweetly talking with Mn while sometimes playfully hitting on Mns chest ..

Tae &Jm now looked back at Yg and got gradually shook seeing Yg fuming in anger .

Tae : Yoongs .. (was about to say something but cut off by Yg already going ahead to take Mns classes)

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