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None pov:

But things didn't stopped there..
The problems didn't solved at all.

Later Mrs.Min informed all of these incidents of Kimmin couple to her husband and Mns parents ...

Mns parents got shocked after knowing that Mn had lost his job. 

So after somehow managing some time from  their tight schedules they came to Kimmin mansion to meet their son and talk with him about everything in details. 

At Kimmin mansion:

Mn didn't said in details to his parents that why and how he lost his job.
Even earlier before his parents came to visit his house,he somehow forced Yg to make him promise to not tell anyone about his main reason of losing his job so suddenly...

Because he doesn't want anyone to color or blame on his pregnant wife. 

Plus he knows and is very aware of the fact that at this time,Yg needs to be bounded with a lots of love rather being sorrounded by someone's hateness. 

And so he decided to protect Yg and take all the blames on himself..

And that's why he lied to his parents that, because of his some inner conflicts with company's head, the company's head kicked him out of the company..

Nj :(furiously growled at Mn)
You idiot!!!!
You stupid!!
You can't even manage to keep your one job..
You useless fellow!!!

Mn :(only kept quiet and continued to look down)

Jin:( tried to stop his furious husband to vent his all angers on Mn)
Calm down..
He knows the best for himself ..
So just let it be now ..
There's no way you can get him back the job that he lost ,by scolding him like this .

NJ :( only sighed frustratingly and shook his head defeatedly..Then he asked Jin )
I'm tired..

Jin :......

NJ : ( suddenly bursted out madly and shouted )
I'm tired of your fucking son !!!!

Jin & Yg : ( got shook badly)

Jin : N-nj ..(cut off by NJ growling again)

NJ : It'd be better if he didn't even come to our life..

Jin & Yg :( got shocked as hell )

Jin : ( growled on NJ for saying such a harsh words before their son )
What are you saying ???

NJ :( only madly shook his head and said )
I'm saying right ,babe..
I never wanted a disgrace in the name of child like him ..

Jin :( got super mad &tried to stop NJ )
NJ.. ( cut off by NJ already saying madly)

NJ : Don't shout Jin .


Yg : (only shockingly  looked at his parents in law's such a heated conversation for the very first time)

NJ :( continued to shout)
I always fucking wanted a son like Yg.. 
A perfect, decent , powerful and a good boy..
Not a troublemaker,brat,weak and a idiot like your son. 

Jin :(looked back at NJ in disbelief)

NJ : Your this burden (indicated Mn) just ruined my life.. !!!!

Jin :...(tears dropped out of his eyes as he finally found out how much hatred his husband had bore for his son)

Yg :(only got more shocked as hell after hearing Njs such harsh words for the very first time)

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