Chapter 261-270

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Chapter 261: The Mastermind, Yu family?

Translator: Atlas Studios Editor: Atlas Studios

'Because I met you.'

There was no way to describe how shocking that statement was.

But every word of that sentence was worth savoring.

Every single word made Gu Qingjiu's heart thump loudly.


When she first heard that, it felt as if her heart stopped.

She didn't even know what the Chief Instructor meant with that.

She didn't want to think too much into it, but she couldn't control herself as well.

"Go up."

He didn't wait for Gu Qingjiu's reply to his sentence, and instead, reminded her once again.

Gu Qingjiu was then reminded that she had a mother who urgently needed her comfort.

She couldn't think further into He Niancheng's words as she rushed upstairs.

Looking at Gu Qingjiu silhouette as she rushed up, a dull and vicious glint flashed across his eyes.

He took out his cell phone and walked out after dialing a few numbers.

Gu Qingjiu reached the house, only to discover that the door was still open.

The lights were brightly lit.

But she could hear a woman sobbing.

Gu Qingjiu's heart clenched tightly, and she hurried in.


Gu Qingjiu anxiously called out. Qi Yuefeng was inside the house sobbing in grief.

When she heard her daughter's voice and saw her, she couldn't hold herself back and cried out, "Qingjiu."

Desolation and despair were evident in her tone of voice.

Gu Qingjiu embraced her mother. "Mom, it's going to be okay. Everything's going to be okay."

Her voice was trembling and her heart ached terribly as well.

But in front of her mother, she must appear strong.

Qi Yuefeng was only a housewife who spent her life in peace.

These sudden changes would inevitably cause her to panic.

Gu Qingjiu couldn't show her that she was also in a panic, lest Qi Yuefeng might suffer more.

She hugged Qi Yuefeng just like how Qi Yuefeng used to embrace her when she felt wronged when she was younger.

But their positions were reversed now. It was her turn to protect Qi Yuefeng.


She could see how helpless Qi Yuefeng felt right now. She never anticipated such a thing to happen, so she could only tightly grab on Gu Qingjiu's sleeves.

After her mother had calmed down, she held Qi Yuefeng's shoulders and asked, "Mom, tell me first. Give me a brief explanation of what happened to Dad."

Hearing Gu Qingjiu's question, Qi Yuefeng burst out in tears. "It's Hu Yan!"

As miserable as she felt, the moment she mentioned that name, she gritted her teeth.

As if she felt endless hatred towards said person.

Hu Yan?

Gu Qingjiu's expression instantly darkened.

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