Chapter 271-280

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Chapter 271: If Miss Gu Says You Cannot Interview, Then You Can't

Translator: Atlas Studios Editor: Atlas Studios

Gu Qingjiu's reaction was fast as she quickly thought about the media.

As expected, the moment Gu Qingjiu opened the door, a wave of reporters outside seemed to try to force their way in.

"May I ask if this is the residence of Gu Hong, who was involved in an investment fraud?"

Although their words were polite, their actions looked like they were going to force their way in.

If Gu Qingjiu didn't prepare herself beforehand, she would've been pushed back by the force the moment she opened the door.

She was furious, but it was already too late to try to close the door so she pulled the door open with force. The people outside who were faced with this sudden action didn't have enough time to react and fell straight down.

They were all from a news agency.

One was a reporter in charge of the interview while the other was a cameraman.

Just the two of them.

Gu Qingjiu immediately narrowed her eyes at their tags. They were reporters from Dayi City's official broadcasting station.

They would definitely notice big cases of financial fraud like theirs.

However, they didn't expect a pretty young lady would open the door. The male reporter was dumbfounded.

Chen Yanhong again!

With Chen Yanhong at the entrance of the elevator, how could they use the elevator if she did not allow anyone to pass through?

"Coughs. May I know your relationship with..."

The male reporter recovered from his trance and quickly regained his professionalism. He quickly placed the microphone near Gu Qingjiu as he started his interview.


Just looking at their tasteless manner of forcing the door open, it was already not worth it for Gu Qingjiu to treat them with kindness.

The male reporter's expression hardened, not expecting Gu Qingjiu to scold them.

"We are reporters from Dayi City's official broadcasting station. This time, we wish to ask you about the fraud incident..."

"My father is not a criminal. I will have to trouble you to go to the police station directly to understand the situation from them. We don't have to accept your interview. If you don't leave now, I will call for the police to get them to fetch you."

Her cold words and a cold glint in her eyes as she said that gave people immense pressure.

The reporter was unhappy. "Interviewing people is our right as media personnel..."

"Your rights? Then rejecting your interview is our rights as common folks. Who told you that media personnel has the right to barge into other people's houses? And that camera of yours, if you don't switch it off right now, you have to deal with the consequences yourself."

As Gu Qingjiu spoke, she could see the blinking lights on the camera which showed that it was recording.

Her icy glare turned to the camera.

In her eyes was an aura so chilling and sinister it felt like the depths of hell. The cameraman shuddered, but he didn't stop the camera from recording...

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