Chapter 851-860

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Chapter 851: Huo Yingcheng, Yu Bao'er (23)

Yu Bao'er: "..."

Dad: Oh Sweetie, you're still so young! Let me tell you, you should just eat and play to your heart's content. Why are you searching for this thing called a boyfriend? That will only drag you down.

Mom: The fellow upstairs is probably afraid that the cabbage he painstakingly grew would be eaten by a pig.

Yu Bao'er: Dad, don't worry, even if so, it will be a good-looking pig!

Dad: Even then, it will still be a pig.

Yu Bao'er: ...

Yu Kairan: You guys are disparaging your future son-in-law like this. In the future, when Bao'er finds a boyfriend, I must show him this message and ask him to run away while he still can.

Yu Bao'er: Trash, get lost!

Yu Kairan: [If you can't take it lying down, come and hit me.jpg]

Yu Bao'er didn't wish to continue squabbling with her older brother. She had yet to finish packing her stuff.

After she finished packing up, a servant came to notify her that food was ready.

Honestly speaking, meal times were quite suppressing, for Yu Bao'er to be eating at the same table with a bunch of royals under the identity of Gu Qingjiu's bestie.

These big bosses were all impressive characters in the business or political world.

Yu Bao'er felt that she had used up all the luck accumulated in her previous life to exchange for such an honor.

She had taken a few photos with them, though had yet to send it to her group chat. She was planning on showing off after she got back!

She couldn't wait!

But it was rather quiet during the meal. Other than Hilda and the rest who would occasionally speak a sentence or two, people like Yu Bao'er didn't dare to utter a single word.

Today, Huo Yingcheng was eating there as well, which was quite rare. And it so happened that he was sitting right opposite Yu Bao'er.

Perhaps because he still bore hatred over what had happened yesterday, when he saw Yu Bao'er at the table, he let out a sneer.

Yu Bao'er returned a sneer at him and thought to herself: Trash!

Seeing Yu Bao'er do this, anger rose within Huo Yingcheng. He had helped this woman and even took her around for good food and fun, yet in the end, she was showing him this kind of attitude?

After the meal, everyone gradually left the table.

There were two days to go before Yu Bao'er was to leave Penalan, and she wasn't planning to go anywhere. She simply stayed in her room and arranged the things she bought in Penalan, as well as the photos she had taken.

After she was done, she ended up with two items of luggage despite coming there with only one.

When she left, it was by a private plane.

Before getting off the plane, after some consideration, Yu Bao'er asked for Huo Yingcheng's phone number.

Although, he was wary. "Why are you asking me for my number?"

"Since you took me around to have fun for a few days, to express my gratitude, if you come to the capital in the future, I'll treat you to a meal.

Huo Yingcheng: "..."

It wasn't easy for him to hear this woman say something so touching like offer to give him a treat.

Hence, Huo Yingcheng obliged.

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