Orleans Singularity Part 2

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Disclaimer: I don't own Type-moon, Highschool DxD, Rwby, My Hero Academia, and Danmachi. All pictures and references belongs to their respective owners. Thank you for understanding.

Hey it's part 2 of the Orleans Singularity hope you enjoy it. Also I'm going to refer Gilgamesh(Female) as Gilga and Jalter as Joan for now on.

"Wyverns the cousins of dragons. Despite being weaker they're still hard to deal with. Just how would they get out of this one." Azazel muttered."What are Wyverns?" Bell asked never encountering one.

"Lily would explain that. Wyverns are considered as the weaker cousins of dragons. They often travel in packs of threes to make up their lack of strength in the lower floors of the dungeon. But then again just one is hard enough to deal with but not impossible." Lily explain using her knowledge of the dungeon.

Antarctica - Chadela
Time of day: Noon

Third person POV

The viewing started inside Chadela medical room. It shows Nightingale treating three people who managed to avoid most of the explosions. During Singularity F Romani discovered that three masters managed to avoid most of the explosions from Lev's bombs. Those being two members of Team A and one member of Team B.

The first being Kadoc Zemlupus a mediocre mage with low magical energy. He's apart of a bloodline that doesn't have anything to be proud of. The second one being Ophelia Phamrsolone who use her mystic eye to protect them from most of the explosions. She is a shy reserved girl who has a Jewel rank mystic eye. And the last one is Hakuno Kishinami a civilian who had the compatibility to summon a servant. There's nothing notable about her other than she's really good with computers.

"Wait there's other masters?" Blake asked."Yes. Ophelia noticed Oliver's behaviour before the explosions and use her mystic eye. If she had enough time she could've protected her entire team but only saved two other masters. Although they were still injured and placed in cryo along with the rest of the masters. It was until after Singularity F Romani had them placed in the Med bay." Abraham explain.

"Hey Nightingale how's their condition?" Romani asked as he entered."Their doing fine. This one should about to wake up in 3... 2... 1." Nightingale said before Kadoc woke up with a gasp."Where am I?! What happened?! Who are you?!" Kadoc asked hysterically."Kadoc calm down your still in Chadela. It's me Dr. Romani." Romani said in a soft tone.

It appeared to work as Kadoc visible calmed down. "D-doctor what happened? All I remember was Ophelia using her mystic eye and explosions." Kadoc said with stutter. The screen then panned out as Romani explained what happened.

Orleans Singularity

The scene changed back to Oliver's group as they heard the roars. There was at least a dozen Wyverns along with a platoon of zombies.

"Alright I want the range fighters in the back to support us! Rider I want you to use your [Gorgen Breaker] to slow them down when they're close enough! Berserker I want you to transform and be ready to attack by my signal! Zerkerlot I want you to use your Noble Phantasm at my signal as well! Saber I want you and Holy Saber to as vanguard! Lancer you would be our designated healer just in case and rearguard! Salter and Mash I want you both to protect Ritsuka and act as rearguard with Lancer!" Oliver ordered.

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