Jeff the Killer
you were getting ready for bed when you heard tapping at your window you looked and realized who it was. " Jeff what are you doijg here?" " I came to visit you and i did say we would meetr again didn't I?" "well yes but i didnt hink so soon... the cops.... oh god the acctual cops get in here!" you yanked on his arm and he fell onto his face. "ow what the f-" "shhhhh the cop will hearyou one sec." you went over to your computer and went on youtube and played "how to be a heart breaker by Marina and the daimonds." "ok now the cops might be less expecting of my open window...." "ok so like i said i wanted to see you again." " ok and if you get caught in my house ill go to jail!" "ok so ill leave and come back when the cops arent looking for me..... so much." " well at least give me a sign when you are comming to visit so i can leave my window open for you." " that works ill leave you a knife with my name carved on it." "bye jeff see you soon." you kiss his cheek and he leaves. (sorry its so bad)
you were walking through the woods in a huff because you and your friend got in a fight and in order toclear your head you decided to take a little detour through the woods before heading back but now you are lost. if only i hadn't gotten in a fight with (f/n) i wouldn't be lost in these woods.... "hello child i mean (y/n) what are you doing so deep in the woods it is not safe rake cold find you in here." " who is Rake?" " oh just a creepypasta." you told slender everything on how you ended up so deep in the woods so he offerd yto take you home and you reluctanly agreed so he teleported you home . "i'll see you soon (y/n)." and with that he teleported away.
Eyeless Jack
this time when you met Jack again you were ready if he tried to steal your kidneys again. you heard scraching sounds at your window and you looked to see Jack franticaly trying to get your attection. you quickaly open the window and her tubmles thourgh and slams the window shut as an organ hit the now closed window. "What in the world just happend Jack?" "well you see i kinda messed with another creepypasta and he wasnt so happy with it and this was the first place i could think of where i can be safe." "and you brought a sicotic creepy pasta to a HUMAN girls house because!?" jack just shrugged and layed on your bed "it was the only place i could think of where a human wouldnt scream when they saw me." you sighed and let it go (dont strt singing that song please) "fine but if he tries to kill me you better save me!" he just nodded and fell asleep. you got annoyed and went to your closet grabbed a sleeping bag and an extra pillow off of your bed and went to sleep.
you havent gotten any bullying scince Hoodie saved you that day at the park but you still worry sometimes. lately you have been getting the feeling that you are being watched by someone and you dont know who. on your way home from school (if you work just pretend you go to school again) you pluged in your headphones and ignored your suroundings just for a liitle while. you were walking though the park like you do every day when you walk home from school. you were listening to "Talk Dirty" by Jason Derulo. you started to hum along and dance a little bit. then you bumped into someone and you stopped the song "i'm so sor- Hoodie?" "oh hey (y/n) hows it been?" "not much" "i like your dancing by te way." you felt all the blood rush to your face in a blush. " oh you saw all of that." "what song was it?" " umm..... Talk Dirty by Jason Derulo..." Hoodie just laughed " i never pictured you that type of girl (y/n). you blushed even more. "well Hoodie i should get home." "let me walk you home then." while Hoodie walked you home youfound out that you had alot in common with him. then before you knew it you were home. "thanks for walking me home we should do this again"and with that you kissed him on the cheak and wentinside closing the door behind you.
so its beena few days scince the note from this maskey figure. you have been getting pebbles thrown at your bedroom window for the past hour or so. you got annoyed and opened the window and got hit with a pebble "ow!" "oops sorry" a quiet voice said. you looked down to see the guy from the cheesecake store who bought the last of the cheesecake. "YOUR MASKEY!? " "please dont yell." "sorry, come to my front door ill let you in." "alright" after you let maskey in you chatted and ate the rest of the cheese cake you had from those few days ago. you found out that you and maskey love cheesecake more than the average person! so you agreed to meet up at the cheesecake factory where you first met.
Ben Drowned
like everyday you were playing videogames and of course it was Majoras Mask. and as you were playing ben came out of the screen "hey (y/n) hows it going?" "well i was about to beat the boss but now i have to re start....... thanks Ben" he sheepishly rubbed the bakc of his head. " sorry (y/n) i didnt mean it....." " its fine Ben.. sorry i freaked out.." "nah its fine that how we gamers are." after that fiasco you and Ben played Mario Cart and other video games (i dont own these gaes if i did i would make it all anime characters) then when it was like mid night Ben said good bye and you went to bed.
Laughing Jack
you were at the carnival again and this time for some reason no one was there.... yet you were welcomed in like an esteemed guest. this was very confusing until you saw a familiar gothic clown walking towards you. "hello (y/n) welcome to my carnival today i had it closed and its for your fun! that means no lines! and after that we can have candy!!" you agreed to the day of fun with your clown friend and you'd never admit this but you ,might acctualy start having feelings for this clown weather it be a small or a majior crush. i mean he reserved an entier carnival for YOU! (if i were you i would marry him on the spot!) after your day at the carvival you got a text from your (insert gardian) saying you needed to come home soon. Jack offered to walk you home and you kindly denied and as you walked awa jack called out "HEY (Y/N) WE SHOULD GO ON A DATE NEXT TIME!" you shouted a yes in return and went home and thought about what you should wear on your date with Jack.

Creepypasta Boyfriend Senarios
Hororwell its exactly as it says and ummmm I'm not good at this so don't hate me please oh and i can't spell....