I am always right-Florence(fluff)

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*Sorry I am not gonna be active for couple of days I have a lot of school work to do and I am exhausted.*

"Do you think our fans will freak out when they find out?" Flo asks me while cuddling to my chest.

I chuckle and give her an honest answer.

"Honey you know our fans shipped us for like a year before we were even together. Yes they will freak out when they find out we got married."

She laughs and then lifts her head to look at me.

"Are we selfish for keeping our marriage a secret for so long?"

Her worried expression making me switch into serious tone. I gently carres her cheek.

"Flo as much as I love our fans. I know that we both accomplished so much thanks to them. But our privacy is still our privacy. We have every right to keep our life secret and you should never think of it as selfishness okay?"

She smiles and nods.

"But maybe I am tired of being a secret what if we start to wear our rings on our fingers and not on a necklace. I don't care that they find out I want them to know."

Her voice calmly spoke.

She is right. She is absolutely right. We kept it a secret for 8 months and I want everyone to know that our love is stronger every second.

"Let's do it. I am tired of this too and I love you."

I look at her and see the joy in her eyes I smile and lean to give her a love filled kiss.


Couple of days later from our conversation I took Flo on a date to a fancy restaurant. Both of us have a ring on their finger.

We were having an amazing time and when we decided to go home we were sure some paps are waiting outside. I took Florence's hand and give her a reassuring smile. She squeezes my hand and I open the door ready to protect her from anyone.

As soon as the doors are open at least twenty people run to us and start to take pictures and shouting questions.

"Y/N look here!"

"Florence here."

"Are you wearing rings?!"

"When did you get married."

I kept holding hand of my wife and I opened the door for her. Flo immediately slipped in her seat. I did the same and drove off.

"Are you okay?" I asked Flo softly.

She sighs.

"Yeah it was just overwhelming."

I place my hand on her tight and gently rub it with my thumb.

"But now everyone knows that you are mine and I am yours."

She proclaims happily.

I smile at her for a second and then watch the road again.

"If I wasn't driving I would give you the most passionate kiss I could." I say with a chuckle.

Her laugh fill my ears and I can't help it but laugh too. After while she stops laughing and I can feel her eyes on me.

"You can stop the car somewhere and fulfill what you're saying."

She says with her seductive voice.

I groan and pull up near the sidewalk. I look at her with lust and then kiss her passionately. Our lips clashing against each other. Our tongues battling together. I rest my hand on the back of her neck and pull her closer to me. She places her hand on my cheek. I feel her wedding ring brushing against my cheek. I have no idea how long we stay like this. Making out in a car like a bunch of teenagers. But then we hear a knock on a window and we immediately pull away.

There is a man standing there. I roll down the window.

"I am sorry to bother you but you cannot park here."

"Right. I am really sorry we'll just keep going. Have a good night sir."

I say awkwardly and roll down the window and start the engine.

Then I hear Flo laughing like crazy. I look at her with confused expression.

"What?" I ask driving us home.

She just laughs more and more. Then finally after couple of minutes she calms down and starts to speak.

"You should see your face when he spoke to you. You were red as a tomato." She laughs at me again.

"Hey it's not my fault I had to pull up. You know what it does to me when you speak with your seductive voice." I defend myself.

"Sure but I am really curious if any paps saw us." Flo speaks with a chuckle.

"No one saw us trust me." I say with confidence.

"I wouldn't be so sure about it." She remarks.


Next day I woke up to my phone buzzing as crazy I slip away from my wife's grasp and open the phone.

As soon as I open Instagram there is a lot of pictures from last night. I thought nobody saw us but I was wrong.

I turn off the phone and slip back to Flo.

Her eyes are closed and she is spooning me but by her breathing I feel she is awake.

"What was it?" Her sleepy voice echoes throughout the room.

"Well you were right. They saw us."

I sigh. Because Flo was right.

She chuckles against my neck and places a gentle kisses there.

"You should know that I am always right."

"Yeah you are." I smile and go back to sleep.

*Please vote. Thank you ❤️*


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