Oscars pt. 3 -Florence (fluff)

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When I feel her lips on my neck gently pecking the skin I smile and open my eyes.

"Good morning." Flo mumbles with that rasp that makes me fall for her even harder and gives me a slow wake up kiss. Then again she buries her head in my neck and on further examination I find out that she's nearly laying on me. Her arm is wrapped around me as the other one traces my waist. Our legs our tangled together.

"Good morning indeed." I chuckle and lift my head to look around the room. As soon as I do sharp pain shoots trough my head and I rest my head back. I close my eyes and Flo

in my neck. "You're also hangover?" "Unfortunately." I respond and wrap my arms around her more tightly savouring the warmth of her body. "Let's just sleep okay." I whisper already falling asleep. "Mhm." Flo whispers back and we lay quietly.

"Y/n!" Flo suddenly jolts awake and sits up. "What!" I ask sitting up too. Flo is sitting there with her face in her hands. "What's going on?" I ask rubbing her naked back. "You remember what we did last night?" Flo asks me and looks me straight in the eyes. I smile. "How could I forget?" Flo bites her lip anxiously. "Well we certainly forgot about my family being in the same house and literally hearing fucking everything." Oh shit my smile falls. "Well fuck." I say as I see the number of hickeys on Florence's body mine looks the same. Then I look around the room. Scattered clothing everywhere.

"I am never getting out of this room." Flo lays back on the bed with a thud. I sigh. "It'll be okay honey. We're engaged they know we have sex life." I try to ease her worries even though I am scared to make eye contact with her parents. "Yeah you're right. But still it's awkward. I hate that you are so hot you make my head stop thinking." She jokes and I let out a laugh. We stay in our bed starring at the ceiling. "What time it is?" Flo asks me. I look next to me on the clock. "It's almost eleven a.m." I sigh. "We should probably get down." Flo says and we get ready to go face her family.

We try to cover the love bites on us, but it's no use. These mortherfuckers are so hard to hide. I put on my comfy slippers and follow Flo downstairs. When we enter the living room Raffie, Toby and Florence's mum are watching TV as her dad and Bella cook in the kitchen.

"Morning." Flo chirps and sits down on the sofa next to Raffie. "Morning." Raffie jabs her ribs. "You overslept quite a lot it's almost lunch. When did you got back?" Debbie asks. Flo frowns thinking. "I don't know I didn't check the time. Did you?" Flo looks at me. "Nope I didn't either." "I can tell you exactly when you came back." Toby mutters under his breath and Debbie slaps him in his back.

"What!" He shouts offended he got slapped. "It's not like we all haven't heard what we heard let me make fun of them." He laughs and Bella snorts in the kitchen. "You too Bella?!" Flo gasps. "I am sorry." She lifts her arms up. "Okay can we just not. I am too hangover for this." Flo gets up from the sofa and goes for some pills on her head. "Grab me one too please." I call out.

"So you're both hangover?" Raffie laughs. "Yep. Worth it though I got invited on a drink by Ian McKellen." I flex. "You're kidding!" Debbie says excited. "Nope we were hanging out with Timmy and others and he just came by said he loved my work and invited me for a drink. I was shocked too to be honest." I tell them.

"Ehm Y/n you should see this." Raffie whispers and hands me her phone. I look at it and see photo of me and Flo leaving the party. There is a hickey on my neck couple buttons of my shirt is popped off and the tie around my neck is making very obvious that something happened there is also a lipstick print on the collar of the shirt. Flo on the picture has my jacket around her shoulders and her hair slightly disordered. Great this is going to make an awesome headline. "Oh shit." I mumble bitting my lip anxiously.

"I didn't know we were looking like that." I say because my head is a blur and Raffie laughs. "I gather that." Flo comes back with the pill and as she hands me one she notices my nerves. "Hey you good." I nod. "You know how we left last night. They got photos of us." I say and hand Flo the phone. "Fuck why don't I remember that." She mumbles.

"What are you looking at?" Debbie asks looking over my shoulder. "Nothing mum." Flossie answers and turns off the phone.
"Mhm sure have your secrets." Debbie fake pouts. This is where Flo gets it from.

It doesn't take long and the whole family saw the pictures. It's literally everywhere. Instagram is full of headlines something like 'We can only guess what followed!', 'Pugh and Y/l/n getting hot and heavy!', 'The engagement is making wonders'. We decide to ignore it all and Clint puts on a movie for all of us to watch. He choose Mamma Mia so the whole household was singing loudly and even dancing on some songs. This immediately brighten up the day. But as soon as we turn on some news our picture pops up with a title. 'Could you believe this!' "Can they let us live for fucks sake." I groan and Flo just turns off the TV. "They are doing like you two did something scandalous. You're just enjoying your life young and in love I don't get why they're making it a bad thing." Clinton says feeling genuinely sorry.

"Honey we have to take it positively. I bet our fans are totally making edits and eating it up." Flo tries to lift my spirits. I chuckle. "They are. You're all over my for you page." Raffie says annoyed. "Want to cuddle and watch hot edits of ourselves?" She nudges me with her shoulder and I cannot do anything but to agree.

*This was just a quick drabble I did on my way to school. And I am bored so here are some questions feel free to answer

What is your favourite animal?

What is your favourite book?

Who is your favourite actor?

Who is your most listened artist on Spotify and your favourite song by them?

Which music genre you like the best?

Who is your favourite marvel character?

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