Chapter XII

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If the world is to end in fire and flames

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If the world is to end in fire and flames

Then let us be the phoenix that raises from the ashes

To start the world anew


The shade of her face drained from sun-kissed to a sickly shade of white in a matter of seconds. Tahlia's knees trembled as she stumbled a step forward like she couldn't process the words that had been said. That one shaky step soon turned into another, then another and another until she was running. 

A struggle, Azriel could tell with her slight limp from where her leg had not yet fully healed. He followed closely on her heels up out of the armoury and he doubted Cassian would be far behind them as soon as Tamlin had spread the news.

They wouldn't stop. Hell, he didn't know if he'd be able to, he'd quite possibly follow her wherever she went. He didn't think it'd be possible to stop him from protecting her until they were crossing the courtyard.

Rhysand was there, like he'd been waiting and Azriel supposed he had been, though the thought was quick to disappear as he set his sights again on the female quickening her pace in front of him, her braid whipping behind her.

"Tahlia!" His voice was heard on deaf ears, she didn't even acknowledge that she'd heard. If Azriel had been in her position, he doubted that he'd be able to hear past a loud ringing of shock either. Of fear and panic. Rhys turned quickly to Azriel, starting after him and he knew. Azriel could feel the order reverberating towards him before the words had even been shouted at him. "Azriel stop!"

He didn't want to, knowing that she'd slip away within seconds a barrel straight into unfathomable battle. Into slaughter and death that awaited her. Azriel wouldn't let her do it alone, so when he felt Rhys' arms clasp around his middle, tackling him to the floor, he almost fought back.

The palms of his hands scraped against the loose rubble on the floor, tearing lightly at already marred skin as he barely managed to catch himself, rolling on the ground and pushing himself so he was quickly standing again. He didn't take his eyes off Tahlia until she was disappearing into the distance and into a burst of light. 

There was a feeling, deep in the pit of his stomach, that made his face turn sour, glaring at Rhys as he strayed helplessly back instead of following Tahlia to the trouble stirring as they stalled. A battle. One they didn't know if they'd win.

"We have to go. We have to help them." Azriel couldn't take his eyes away as he barked his own order, even knowing he didn't have the right to do so with less authority.

"What we have to do is come up with some kind of plan instead of jumping into action that might get us all killed. If we're dead, we're no use for the rest of Prythian."

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