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Here are all of my headcanons that involve the blue leader!!  I have SO many Leo headcanons, I probably have more Leo ones than anyone else >:0


The first one is that he CANNOT handle sugar at all. I've seen this one on pinterest a couple of times and thought it was funny and suited Leo. The most sugar Leo can eat is about 2 full candy bars before he looses it. When he has to much sugar he basically just has a major sugar rush, he talks a LOT more and is way more outgoing. His sugar rushes usually last an hour before he crashes for another hour.

We can all agree that Leo has seen Space Heroes over 60 times in his life. He didn't discover the show till he was maybe 5 and since they had a lot of time on their hands back then he would have Space Hero Marathons every other week. He would ask if any of his brothers wanted to join his marathons but they never wanted to. Raph had joined a few of them because he felt bad, and he liked making fun of every little thing in the show.

Leo loves to write, about literally everything. After he discover Space Heroes he started writing fanfics about it and made up his own mini adventures of his favorite hero. After writing a ton of Space Hero fanfics, he began writing stories of what he thought the surface would be like (he's around 12 when he started writing about the surface) he would share some of his stories with Raph and eventually started making up adventures that him and Raph would go on, if they ever got to go up to the surface.

This one is just really dumb and random but it's Leo's fear of cats-  I KNOW ITS RANDOM, but I feel like since Splinter is a rat, while they were little every time Splinter saw a cat or heard the word he would get startled.  Little kids always look up to their parents so Leo developed a slight fear of cats because of the way Splinter acted.  He doesn't really get spooked out but by them, it's more of a 'don't touch me' fear?

We all know how well Leo and little kids get along.  Because he's the oldest brother he always has to watch over his younger brothers.  He knows how to deal with kids, he understands it all because of his 3 younger brothers.  This also ties in with another headcanon, remember the little girl from "Slash and Destroy"?  He pays her visits every once in a while and they take turns bringing tea. :)

Sorry this is going from happy and wholesome to sad but, Leo has a lot of breakdowns.  They all usually have to do with failing his brothers and Sensei.  When he has breakdowns he usually stays in his room and let his tears stream down his face.  Raph or Mikey are usually the first to  find him having his breakdown and comfort him.  Sometimes all of his brothers comfort him but normally one of them do, Leo doesn't want everyone worrying about him because of a breakdown. :(

Still staying in the sad/emotional category, Leo regrets going up to the surface.  He feels like every time they go up there his brothers get more and more hurt, making him stress more.  He also gets very worried when his brothers go up by themselves that one day they won't return.  He's talked to Splinter about it and meditates on it but he will forever regret going to the surface.

Again, sad, sad blue boy.  When the turtles were in space, Leo would spend hours on end talking to the Splinter hologram.  He was so scared and worried about failing their mission to save Earth.  He needed his father the most at that time, and knowing that if they failed he would never see his father again.  He had never been more scared and lost in his life then ever at that time.

Leo can sew and is really good at it. I feel like one day he was just really bored and found out about sewing. When he started sewing, he didn't really understand what he was doing but after asking April about it he started sewing small things, like teddy bears. He prefers sewing by hand more rather than using a machine.

Everyone knows that Leo CANNOT lie for his life. He just can't lie, every time he tries to lie, his brothers usually find out. Most of their enemies never figure out if he's lying which makes him feel good. Just never ask Leo to lie for you, it'll never end well.

Leo and the toaster, will never be friends, ever. Leo be the toaster started when the turtles were 9, they had just gotten the toaster and Leo decided to use it first. It broke. Every single time he goes ANYWHERE near it, it's breaks. This is why Leo never cooks, all because of the toaster. And because he burns the food everytime he makes it.

Another kinda sad one is that Leo is partly blind in his left eye.  During the fight with Shredder, his eye got scratched up having his vision become fuzzy right after he woke up.  He mentioned it several days later to his brothers, as the days passed his vision in that eye got worse.  His eye has been bad since then it will probably never get better.


Sorry this was really long, I just really like Leo :,)  Again sorry for any spelling errors and poor punctuation.  Please leave a review of what you thought about these headcanons and which ones you liked!!! :D

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