Completed Puzzle (Trenton)

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The clattering of pack members' breakfast plates being placed on the tables echoes throughout the pack house's kitchen

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The clattering of pack members' breakfast plates being placed on the tables echoes throughout the pack house's kitchen. I grab a plate of eggs, bacon, toast, and pancakes that Prue made for us this morning and take a seat next to Roni.

"Hey, how you holding up? Last night was crazy, no?" Roni laughs—probably in disbelief—thinking about the previous night. I can't believe Prue and Dad are mates. I think it's safe to say no one was expecting that.

"Well, I'm here, aren't I? I think that's enough for right now." I chuckle, not really sure of what to say. They're mates. The Moon Goddess thinks they belong together, and that's enough for me to be okay. At least now my dad can finally be whole again.

"How's Kai?" Roni asks, taking a big bite of her bacon as she looks at me.

"Really worn out. After I showed him to his room, he just collapsed on the bed and was out like a light." I say, smiling. The topic of Kai always brings my mood up.

"Well, now that we're talking about him, there he is." Roni trails, her attention moving to the staircase.

I follow Roni's gaze to a disheveled looking Kai walking down the stairs in my pajamas. He had to borrow mine since he only started staying here yesterday. I notice Kai's bed head when he reaches up to run his fingers through his matted curly locks as he yawns adorably. I can't help the smile that breaches my face at his cuteness.

"Hey." Kai mumbles, seating himself across from Roni and I, laying his head on his arms. "Looks like somebody didn't sleep good last night?" Roni says jokingly but, I can tell she's concerned.

"Nightmares." Is Kai's response, his voice muffled from his face being pressed onto his forearms. That immediately puts a damper on my mood. I want Kai to feel safe around me and sleep peacefully, not have nightmares about who knows what that prevents him from the sleep he definitely should be getting if his eye bags are anything to go by.

I silently reach my hand over the table to hold Kai's, hesitant at seeing him flinch slightly. I decide to go for it and grab his hand in mine, intertwining our fingers. He looks up at me and I know I spot fear in his eyes. I give him my best smile and he immediately relaxes, taking my hand and nuzzling his face into it.

Next to me, I hear Roni cough awkwardly.

"I'm . . . going to go. See you guys." Roni smiles at us before shuffling away from our table and joining another one.

"Did you sleep well?" I hear Kai mutter, his face still pressed against my hand.

"Um . . . I suppose. I wish you could've slept better, though." I tell him truthfully. I don't care about how well I sleep as long as Kai gets the rest he deserves.

Kai shyly smiles, his cheeks taking on a pink tint, matching the cherry blossom trees outside.

"It's okay, Trenton. I'm used to these nightmares by now." He says in what I'd assume is meant to be a reassuring tone, but it only unsettles me more.

I rub my thumb in circular motions over his hand, comforting him before I bring up the question that's been nagging at me since my talk with Prue.

"Kai . . . what happened to your sister?"

The calm expression on Kai's face quickly turns sorrowful. I don't want to bring up a sensitive topic, but it would help me help him if I knew what happened.

"Kai? It's okay if you don't want to talk about it." I gently say, the thumb rubbing his hand never ceasing.

I hear Kai sniffle slightly before looking up into my eyes and shaking his head. "No, it's okay. I've never told anyone before." Kai sniffles again, taking a deep breath and preparing himself for this conversation.

"Take your time, Kai." I smile reassuringly at him—I don't want him to feel like he has to tell me about this.

"I just . . . I don't know where to start." Kai chuckles breathlessly, his heartbeat picking up. Maybe asking him about this was a bad idea . . .

"It's alright, Kai. I completely understand if you don't want to tell me." I softly tell him, getting up from my seat and taking the spot next to him so that I'm closer. As much as he probably wants to deny it, I can tell my presence comforts him.

"I watched my sister and her fiancé die by the hands of a werewolf right before my eyes."

Alright, well . . . I wasn't expecting that.

"That . . . would explain some things." I trail, staring off into Kai's emerald green eyes as I piece the puzzle together. No wonder he was terrified of me at the start.

"Wait, fiancé?" I ask. I knew Kai's sister passed, based on what Prue told me, but I never would have imagined that Kai lost another part of his family as well.

Not only did Kai lose his parents and his sister, he also lost a brother. I can't even imagine going through that and, to top it all off, he had to watch his sister and her lover murdered while being unable to help.

In that moment, I gather Kai up in my arms, holding him tight. He lets out a surprised gasp at the sudden action, but, not only do I need to comfort Kai at this time, I also need to comfort myself.

Kai wraps his slender arms around my neck and I know he's crying by the silent sniffles I can hear and the little tears I can feel.

I just hug him tighter.

After about fifteen minutes of us just holding onto each other, I look up to see that the kitchen is empty. The pack must have left for training. I think to myself as I listen to the calm beating of Kai's heartbeat. He's asleep, if the steady rise and fall of his chest is anything to go by.

Tightening my hold on him, I slowly stand up and walk us both over to the couch. Gently easing us both down, I turn on the TV to an older television show and let it play quietly in the background as I snuggle Kai closer to me.

"Hm . . . thank you, Ren." Kai whispers and I can't help the heat that rises up my neck at his use of my nickname. I love the way it sounds in his voice.

Smiling to myself, I rest my head on Kai's, inhaling his scent as I gently fall to sleep with my little mate in my arms.

Smiling to myself, I rest my head on Kai's, inhaling his scent as I gently fall to sleep with my little mate in my arms

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