Floor It (Trenton)

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When Prue told me about trying to figure out the adoption process for Kai, I was over the moon! I kept thinking, Yes, Kai is finally going to get the family he deserves

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When Prue told me about trying to figure out the adoption process for Kai, I was over the moon! I kept thinking, Yes, Kai is finally going to get the family he deserves. But, now, all I can do is worry that it's gonna fall through.

I never would have imagined how many little things humans take for granted, like being able to eat cookies whenever you want to. It's sad to think that all this time, I could have been there for Kai when he needed someone most, but I was too busy in my own little world to even notice he was right there and desperately in need of someone to take care of him..

I don't think I can ever forgive myself for that.

"Renny, what textbooks do you need to grab from here?" Roni asks me, bringing me back to the present. After stopping for coffee, and of course a cookie, we finally—or should I say unfortunately—made it to our school.

"I haven't spoken to any of my teachers yet, so I'm just gonna grab all of them." I reply.

"Yeah, same here. What about you, Kai?"

"Huh? Oh! Umm, I think my teachers said I just need my math textbook and my chemistry textbook." Kai replies, his thinking face just as adorable as ever, his head tilted while he scratches an itch underneath his thick hair.

"You're always so on top of things. How do you do it?" Roni huffs, looking at Kai pointedly as if whatever answer she receives would actually help her out, the number one procrastinator in the whole pack.

"It's just all I've had for so long, I guess." Comes Kai's response, oblivious to the sad truth hidden in his own words.

"'Kay, well, I'm gonna head to my locker." Informs Roni, already meandering her way through the school's doors and out of sight.

"Um . . ." Kai speaks up from beside me, his voice meek, "Could we maybe, stay together?"

I figured Kai wouldn't want to go off alone—not that I'd let him regardless—because of that sick bully of his. Just thinking about him has me seeing red.

"Of course, Kai. You never even have to ask." I offer a small smile, hoping it at least helps a little in calming Kai's nerves, making our way into the school building.

We come to a stop at Kai's locker and he begins putting in the combination to get the textbooks he needs. The moment is quiet, but I can tell we both are fine with it. It's not an awkward silence, more of an enjoying each other's company type of silence.

Of course it doesn't take long for that to get ruined, though.

"HEY! HEY!" Unexpected screams interrupt our quiet, causing Kai and I to look down the hallway, trying to figure out what the cause of it is.

My eyes go wide at the sight before us.

"Are you guys...with Roni?" Pants the boy around my age who is running towards us. I resist the urge to look away at the sight of a bloodied Roni in his arms.

"Holy shit, Roni!" I scream, running towards the man and meeting him on the way to us, Kai following close behind.

I can hear the sharp intake of breath Kai breathes at seeing his best friend like this. Rendered unconscious.

"What happened to her?" I sneer, clenching my jaw to keep from punching this boy that I haven't seen before. I can't help but assume he had something to do with the blood pouring from the gash on Roni's forehead that wasn't there no more than ten minutes ago.

"Derek?" Kai's nervous voice comes as he peeks his head from around my side, taking in more of the sight I'd much prefer him not to see. He's been through enough as it is.

"Yes, that's me. I know I don't deserve your help, Kai, but please, help Roni. I'm begging you."

". . . Why aren't you with Jake?" Kai tentatively asks, clearly hesitant to believe anything this guy says. He's with Jake?!

"He's crazy! I-I can't even begin to explain but please let's focus on Roni. I'll try my best to explain things later." No way is this Derek guy getting any closer to Roni than he already is right now.

"Yeah, right, like we're gonna let you anywhere near-"

"Okay." Kai cuts me off, surprising both Derek and I.

Before I can persuade Kai otherwise, the bully himself comes hurdling around the corner, headed straight for us.

"GO GO GO!" Derek demands and this time, I don't hesitate to listen.

"GET BACK HERE!" Jake screams, so loud that teachers and students start peeking out of their classrooms to catch a glimpse of the action.

I scoop up Kai as we race toward the exit, Derek still carrying Roni while the maniac follows, right on our tail.

"I'VE HAD ENOUGH OF PLAYING, KAI! YOU'RE THE REASON MILES IS DEAD!" Jake never ceases his screaming. What he says, though, clearly strikes a nerve of Kai's as his body goes rigid in my arms. I'll ask about that later, now definitely isn't the time.

Finally making it to the Jeep, I set Kai in the passenger seat as gently as I can with the pace we're going at and instruct Derek to sit in the back with Roni.

"She is not gonna be happy when she hears about me driving her Jeep." I mutter, shoving the keys Derek tossed at me into the ignition. Glancing over at Kai, I can feel the fear and worry coming off of him in waves.

"Now is not the time, Man!" Derek snaps, looking out of the back window at Jake getting uncomfortably close to the car.

"Now would be a great time to FLOOR IT!"

And, Man, did I floor it.

And, Man, did I floor it

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