The Battle at the Bridge

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Evelyn woke up felling groggy. 'Scents when do I sleep?' Is what she thought getting up from the bed she was sleeping on. Evelyn got up and walked down the stairs to met kakashi, Naruto, Sasuke and Sakura. "You have some explaining to do young lady." Kakashi said.

Evelyn signed and sit down and began to explain things about herself. Who she is, What she is, both of her mothers, that she knows what will happen in the future but cant say it because it probably wont come true, and she plans to change what happens. "wait, wait, wait, wait, your the daughter of not one but two goddesses? And you have all of their powers? Both that are not chakra but magic and supernatural?" Sakura asked. "Yep" "And your basically an overpowered, immortal, non-human being?" Sasuke asked. "Yep." "And you know our past and futures but cant say it because then our futures won't come true?" Kakashi asked. "Yep." "That means your like me?" Naruto asked and everyone turned to him. "More or less." "What did Naruto mean?" Sakura asked.

Evelyn looked at kakashi, who nodded. "Naruto is the Jinchūriki of the 'Kyubbi no kitsune'. He holds a non-human being but I actually am a non-human being. Oh and that's why Naruto worsted jutsu was the clone jutsu but he can due shadow clones instead. Its because of the oldie fox."

Sasuke eyed Evelyn and she looked at him. "What are somethings you can tell us about our futures?" He asked. Everyones attention went back to Evelyn. "You do become strong ninja but you three go threw hard work to get to that level of power. Right now you guys are at maybe a 4 year old werewolf omega wolf pup level." Evelyn hinted. "And that is? ..." Sakura asked. "Werewolf are like that inuzuka clan but they turn into full wolf and their eyes glow yellow,blue or red." Evelyn said. "Wait, can you teach us some of your magic?!" Naruto exclaimed.

Evelyn thought about it.

"Maybe, actually I think you guys can learn magic,-" Evelyn started. The three genin had a look of excitement in their eyes. "-but, I dont have my spell books and without them I cant teach you the spells." Evelyn said while the others started to pout. "Wait! What that water one you did!" Sakura yepped. "That was something for water magic users. Everyone has a base element than that element can turn into a more advance element. For example if you had a water base then you can learn ice." Evelyn said.

"We should continue another time. You guys should trained with your chakra first. Then we can talk about me training you with magicks." Evelyn said. Everyone nodded.


Everyone looked at the bridge that was covered in knocked out men. Evelyn saw the most closing in. "We better watch out, the mist will be used as a cover-screen" Evelyn warned.

Evelyn started her magic her left lightening and her right Earth. "Well it seems that pinkie survived the poison. She shouldn't have. No human could." Zabuza said.

Evelyn shot a earth bullet at Zabuza. She and Kakashi ended up fighting Zabuza. While the gennin were on the defence. Evelyn thought of a way, "maybe... That it!" "Kakashi, I think I know a way! But you need to hold him on your know for 3 minutes." Evelyn said and kakashi nodded. Evelyn then ran and jumped into the water. A bright pink glow was admitted from the water. Evelyn surfaced in her mermaid form and used the water to capture Zabuza.

Evelyn thought this through and she acted like she was having trouble moving the water. The thing happened with Hazu as evelyn thought and she soon as kakashi made his move to attack Zabuza with the chidori hazu went to protect him but before the chidori hit his chest water stopped it everyone look at Evelyn puzzled. "Look at them, they cant fight anymore. Our job now is to take them back to the village and then send a letter to the Mizukage so he can send some ANBU to collect them."

The leaf Shinobi knew she was right, it could also help the treaty with the land of water. But then Goto showed up, Evelyn let Zabuza and hazu go and they began to fight off the thugs and then they finished off goto. The village showed up and scared off the remaining thugs.

Evelyn felt that he went into the water so she made the water drag him down into the deepest part of the river. Evelyn swam to shore and crawled onto the beach area. The leaf Shinobi went over to evelyn, "so you stuck like that or what?" Sasuke made a remark. "If someone was to dry me off and get me a fresh pair of clothes then I could transform back."

Sakura ran back and came back with a towel and a change of clothes. Sakura also made the boy look that other way. Evelyn was wearing a matching sakura outfit. And like that their mission was gone.







Except for Evelyn's her mission was just began...

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