
35 2 0

Warnings: alcohol 

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Sᴏ...ʏᴏᴜ'ʀᴇ sɪɴɢʟᴇ?

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Si Cheng enter the house cautiously, leaving the door open for anyone else who made the terrible decision of attending this party. Groaning loudly, he pushed through the crowd. Desperately needing something to drink, Si Cheng made his way to the kitchen.

"Si Cheng! You're here!"

Si Cheng strained a smile, waving at Yang Yang. Yang Yang's boyfriend, Hendery, was doing some weird moves on the couch, jumping up and down excitedly as Xiaojun, Yang Yang's other boyfriend tried hard to persuade him to come down before he hurt himself.

They were an... interesting couple.

Knocking into someone, Si Cheng didn't bother to say sorry as he squeezed in between two girls trying to hug, walking in the direction of the kitchen.

The kitchen was much calmer than the living room, with only a few people talking softly and some passed out on the table. Si Cheng let out a sigh in relief, grabbing a can of Pepsi, he chugged it down, wiping his mouth with the back of his hand after.

"Si Cheng didn't expect you to come." Kun, a good friend of Si Cheng walked up, an empty glass cup in his hand. "I could say the same with you. Did Ten force you to come?" Kun chuckled, joining Si Cheng to sit on the counter, their legs hanging off the edge.

"Someone's going to have to drag his drunk ass home in the morning." Si Cheng grinned at that, fully aware of how Kun's partner acted at a party. The shorter male would never miss a chance to get wasted.

"No alcohol tonight?" Kun asked, knocking his empty cup with the can of soda in Si Cheng's hand, one eyebrow raised. "Never really a huge fan of it. Plus, I want to stay sober tonight." Si Cheng replied, watching as Kun filled one-third of his glass with vodka.

They fell silent after that, Si Cheng focusing on the balloons hung up on the ceiling. Most people had left to re-join the party, the empty kitchen littered with paper cups and bits of food. Torn pizza boxes were left unattended on the kitchen island, greasy and dirty.

The door to the kitchen opened, two boys entering before it was closed again, shutting out the loud music blasting on the other side.

"That was a good one."

"I know, did you see their faces?"

𝗞𝗽𝗼𝗽 𝘀𝗰𝗲𝗻𝗮𝗿𝗶𝗼𝘀 (𝗯𝘅𝗯)Where stories live. Discover now