See You Out.

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Chapter Five

Friday. I sat at my desk, staring at the date, trying to calm down and just hope today went well, the team was excited to meet my boyfriend, I felt so nervous, and it wasn't even me they were meeting. I stayed in my office, with the team coming and asking questions because I was still the assistance. Bucky came in for a while and we talked about everything. "So what you've been through, you don't blame anyone?" He asked and I nodded.

"Who can I blame, other than Fury, and then again I'm legally bound to him," I said and he hummed. "He adopted me, but I kept my name," I said and he nodded. "The only day I saw that man cry was the day my mom died," I said. "I also remember when he had hair." I laughed and he raised his eyebrows. "Wait I think I have a photo," I said and I opened my drawer, I saw it, a framed photo in 94, I picked it up and showed him, he looked at it and his eyes widened.

"He's not wearing an eye patch." He said and I nodded.

"Something happened where his eye got damaged. I think it was Goose." I said and he looked at me. "Our cat, named Goose, he liked to make up stories that he was fighting Galactic aliens and they got him in the eye, but I think it was just the cat." I laughed thinking about how he used to play with me and be a good dad, I missed Nick, now all I had was Fury.

"He looks so different, and your mom, she's gorgeous." He said and I smiled. "You guys look so alike, just like Becca." He said and I nodded smiling.

"Here." I stood up and grabbed his arm, pulling him. He stood up and I pulled him to the elevator. "Friday call Steve to my room please," I said.

"Yes, Miss Barnes."

"Miss Barnes sounds so odd to hear." He said and I smiled. "My mom went by Mrs. Barnes, my sister hated being called a miss." He chuckled and I nodded.

"I don't mind," I said and he nodded. "Okay come." We walked into my room and I grabbed four photo albums, I sat on the bed and patted it and he sat down. "So after your death, Gran got all your things, I have all your stuff in a storage unit. But all your photos are right here." I smiled and he looked at me surprised, I opened up the oldest one and handed it over. "Your family, great-grandma and pa, gran, mom," I said and he started flipping through, I heard a knock and saw Steve.

"You wanted me-"

"Pictures!" Bucky said and he looked. "She has all our photos!" He smiled and he jogged overseeing, his eyes widened, photos of him and Steve, Steve and his parents, my mom's birth and her as a kid.

"Whoa." He mumbled sitting next to Bucky, I held the next one which was more of my mom's childhood.

"Here, this is what you missed out on Gran's marriage and moms childhood," I said holding it to him, he took it and opened it, he was smiling ear to ear as he looked happy seeing the things he missed, then there was the funeral of my grandpa, and then my mom's graduation, my mom and Fury meeting for the first time, and then my biological dad, and then there she was pregnant.

"It's over." He frowned and I shook my head.

"My album," I said and he looked, excitedly taking it. I smiled Steve was also excited, he opened it and there was my baby shower, and then my birth, I looked too, they watch me grow up, and then when I was 8 my dad stopped showing up in photos, and slowly there was Fury instead.

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