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Your POV

I stood a bit away from our campsite where Jungkook had recently asked me to meet him. I waited for a while and soon after I could see him approaching. With each step he took , his face got clearer to me and at once he was standing right in front but the glow on his face couldn't be seen. His gape left a sigh even before we started talking and then I could hear his broken voice. "I am sorry." His sudden apology took me by surprise. My brows furrowed , while I took a step ahead to reach him.

"Why...." My voice trailed once his reddened eyes met mine. "I am sorry to say this late but...." He stopped midway. I could sense the pressure on Jungkook which made me grasp his shoulder to calm him down. "Please don't take this in the wrong way-" his words were cut off with a familiar tone which interrupted our conversation. " Asshole!" I turned back to find Sua and Jay standing there and soon after Sua stood right in front of me pushing away Jungkook. Everything happened within a glimpse of my eye and at that moment all I could ask was what the hell was going on ?.

"What is wrong with you guys ? Can anyone explain?" I was frustrated. First it was Jungkook who was facing a hard time to speak out and then it was Sua who was acting strangely out of the blue. "this video will answer your questions Y/n. Jay recorded it himself ." Sua turned at me and handed me the phone. I eyed Jay who was having a nervous look. Then taking a last glimpse at Jungkook I played the video.

"So when are you going to let her know that it's all just a challenge?" " Not before a kiss." My eyes started to sting while watching the video. How am I even supposed to feel about this?. Those guys said it as if it wasn't at all a thing to them . Was it dumb of me to think that Jungkook could be different? Tears unwillingly filled up in my eyes but I didn't let them fall. I heaved in a deep breath to push back my tears as much as I could.

"Y/n please listen to me." Jungkook spoke with his pleading voice. I let out a scoff without knowing what else to do. "You want me to listen to you after this ?" Slowly anger was all I could see within me towards him. Why did I even think him to be genuine? After all, he was a "badboy" . "That video doesn't say the whole thing. I ended the challenge right after. I don't know why that part isn't there." Jungkook took his steps ahead while explaining.

"I couldn't record their whole conversation cause my phone rang....." this time Jay was the one to speak from back. " Are you trying to support that guy ?" Sua sounded furious. Her face was telling that she was holding back herself just because of me.

" I am just saying what is needed. It can be true that he refused to continue....if you will look at the situation there , Jungkook is neither protesting nor favouring. He looked confused. I do get the fact how he is but just for that I won't say that he can't be genuine. I tried to explain it all to you Sua but you didn't even try to listen." I could sense the tension which was slowly forming in between both Sua and Jay. I didn't want their relationship to be at stake for me so at the end I decided to ask for some time alone with Jungkook.

" Can I have a moment with Jungkook? Alone." Sua eyed at me with complete shock. "You still want to-" I cut her words off with a stiff reply. "As Jay said , we don't have any proper proof....I will listen to him." A defeated sigh left Sua's gape. She wasn't taking it easily neither was I going to do so. I wasn't at all going to make the same mistake as I did back then in the case of Jimin. Jay took Sua with him soon after leaving me and Jungkook alone.

"Y/n , I swear. I discontinued the challenge right after that part in the video. I didn't play. It was all genuine and true." This time Jungkook got a hold on my hands. He pressed my cold hands within his warm ones tight , his eyes were fighting back tears just like mine. "Does that change the fact that you had approached me for a filthy , meaningless challenge?" I calmly questioned. I had assumed he would stop or give up right after , but Jungkook didn't.

He nodded his head as a denial. Those eyes which were staring down , instantly shot up and met mine.

"I have been honest to you from the beginning. The notes and problems weren't just an excuse. I did face problems. It's just that if the challenge was not there , I would have approached Namjoon hyung. The chance to get to know you wouldn't have appeared. I have never had feelings towards any girl. I didn't even bother looking at them or flirting around like the other guys. I only did when it was a challenge."

" Playing was just a normal thing for me until this time. It just started differently. First time I got it hard to even make you drawn towards me. In case it went just the opposite way. I started noticing the smallest appearances of yours. I was the one to fall for you. Once I realised that, I ended the challenge right away. " Till Jungkook ended, a drop of tear had already escaped his eyes.

"Why ? What made you like me ? I am just an ordinary girl , like the ones you have played along and broken their hearts." I didn't know what else to ask at that moment. I had questions to ask but words were getting hard to form up.

" It's just that I felt different. You know the click when you meet the right one ? It was similar in my case. You made me want to change myself without even doing much. I felt addicted to your smile, I just wanted to look at it all day , everytime. " He weakly smiled while speaking out his heart's content. I was enraged after knowing about the challenge but after listening to him , the rage was diminishing.

"That moment when you helped me after I stained my jeans , the time we spent at the restaurant , our conversations , was it all genuine?" I wanted to hear a positive answer as if my life depended on it. With time I did feel something towards him. I was yet to realise that I had started liking him until this moment. The anxiousness which I could feel within me , the way my heart skipped after hearing Sua , it all answered to me what I actually felt towards Jungkook. But was it going to be right ?

"I swear , it was all genuine. It all meant a lot to me. They were like different shades which made me slowly fall for you. " A breath left my gape after hearing him. I couldn't hold in the tears which I was pressing in till then. Watching me in that state , Jungkook's hands placed on my shoulders, pressing them to calm me down. "I don't know why it has to be complicated each and every time. I can't bring myself to trust you." A sob escaped my gape . I could feel my heart wrench.

He would understand me, I knew that. "I know the reason...." His voice sounded like a whisper to me but it was audible enough. "You do ?" My past with Jimin was only known to me and Sua. Nobody knew other than that . "Jimin told us all today. We had a fight after that. But I believe everything happens for a reason and that revelation didn't make me feel hesitant to let you know about it all."

" Y/n can you tell me what you are actually feeling right now ? I won't force you to like me back. I understand that it is hard . I am ready to accept whatever answer you will give. " I could tell that he wasn't ready to accept my answer. His eyes were saying it all. But perhaps at this moment, I wanted to care about the damage which was done to my heart. I inhaled a deep breath to calm my muscles. Then I spoke.

" I don't want to complicate my feelings at this moment. Everything that happened right now was a big blow to me , neither did I see this coming ." I stopped for a moment. Jungkook's reaction was an urge to listen next. I took another deep breath before letting those words out. " For now all I want is you to stay away from me..... "

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