The Letter

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Audrey made her way to Charlie's house determined to bombard him with a million questions. She knocked against the wooden door with the intent of yelling at anyone who would have the misfortune of opening it.

Luckily it was Charlie who answered, instead of his parents.

Audrey furrowed her brows, "What is Dostira?" .

Before he could say a word, she heard a phone ringing from inside his house and he moved away from the door as she went along after him.

"Binko residence, this is Charlie speaking," he answered with a smile and then suddenly his face fell very serious as he straightened his posture a little.

"She is not ready Alex," he continued, "I know this is my responsibility, but she has shown no signs of the fever. None that I can see. Oh, and just because Lizzie Larson says so then it must be true?".

Audrey crossed her arms and waited a little while longer until Charlie ended the call with the words, "Yes sir".

He turned to face her and from the pocket of his jeans her pulled out a beige envelope, but before handing it over he gestured for her to sit down on a very large olive green couch with yellow patterned pillows that was in his living room.

"Look I don't know what sort of joke you and my mum have..." she began until Charlie cut her off.

"Just take it" he said, holding out the letter.

She snatched it out of his hand, inspecting it, while Charlie sat beside her. He found it amusing, remembering how he felt when he first received his letter too. She looked at the envelope in her hand, holding it ever so gently. It had the words 'Dostira: Novis Et Fortis' imprinted in capitals on the back and was sealed with silver wax. She turned the envelope to see her address written on the front in black ink and a chimera of sorts in the corner. The beast had the scales and tail of a dragon, large feathered wings, the head of an eagle and the feet of a large cat, yet the eyes appeared human.

"So it's official. You're a Nuper and I'm your guardian" he said unenthusiastically.


"Open the letter Audrey".

She unfolded the paper and read the message aloud,

Audrey Calora Larson
52 Penton Lane

Dear Miss Larson,

On behalf of the Regional Council of Overseers, I would like to congratulate you on establishing your identity as a Solis Prodigy and on your admission to Dostira; a school for prodigies to train and tame their powers before finding their place within the world.

Upon arrival you must undergo the mandatory 'Auctus Appraisal' in order to examine your prodigy powers.

You are to be accompanied by your guardian CHARLES DUKELL BINKO, Caeli prodigy, and are expected to arrive at Dostira before the 19th of July as the term commences on the 22nd of the month.

Please find the enclosed list of all required books and equipment.

We look forward to receiving you.


The Grand Council of Overseers

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