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The tutoring sessions after lunch proved to be somewhat successful as the days progressed and Audrey found herself developing a better understanding on all of her new subjects, despite her history at Ferdon Comprehensive. By the end of the week the rumours and ill mannered comments had begun to fade, and she began caring less and less about other students as there came something more exciting to learn or look forward to each day. The grey on grey uniform felt comfortable and natural to put on every morning, with the house sweaters growing to be something Audrey looked forward to wearing whenever the weather was a little bit colder than usual. Bella had explained that each prodigy at Dostira was assigned a sweater upon arrival that represented their house; maroon for Solis prodigies, navy for Vox prodigies, dark green for Caeli prodigies and black for Ignis prodigies. Her refreshing dark red sweater was the only bright coloured thing in her closet at the moment, with all her other normal clothes having been hidden away in her suitcase untouched.

Charlie avoided her the best he could while keeping a subtle eye on her whereabouts and interactions with the other professors. In most of her classes she seemed to be receiving good grades. Well, 'for a Nuper', Charlie thought.

The one class she was beginning to excel in was Duel and Defence. Being trained to fight third years in hand to hand combat, as a fifth year, was demeaning enough but the addition of repetitive scolding for being too competitive proved to be infuriating.

   "Miss Larson, how many times do I have to tell you! You must allow your opponent to attack, more than once, while you simply defend. This is not 'Duel and Destroy'!" Mrs Swopple shrilled.

She was a plump lady who wore a thick purple blouse and black pants. She was known for being strict and having a talent for complaining about almost every little thing she could think of. She had a small pointy nose, a wide face and looked rather like an old brown owl.

   "The entire basis of this class is for students to learn simple defence," she began, "and now my students will not learn in any proper way because of you!"

Audrey was huffing as she looked down at the young fourth year boy who winced while trying to stand up. He glared at her as he got to his feet and then hid behind the round instructor who continued.

   "I must say, I will have a word with Mr Harkness about this sort of behaviour".

   "Please, there must be some other class I can attend. Where do all the other fifth year students go?" Audrey pleaded.

Mrs Swopple thought for a moment before rolling her eyes and pinching the bridge of her thin nose.

   "Hmph! Come with me then and I will show you. Now you all better behave while I'm gone" she commanded.

A small splash of spit escaping her mouth as she spoke before leaving the room with Audrey trudging behind.

As they walked throughout the castle, Mrs Swopple talked under her breath the entire way about the ridiculousness of Mr Harkness and how his decision to place Audrey in her class was nothing but foolish. Her dark brown boots were clicking on the stone floor as she led Audrey into a familiar hallway. It smelt like burning wood and sweat, with an orchestra of grunts and yelps being heard behind large wooden doors. As they stopped at the first of the three large doors, Audrey quickly realised where they were. Mrs Swopple pushed the door open and inside lay a crowd of students listening to a tall man who stood in the middle of large circle that was carved into the floor.

   "This is Proelium. This is where all the other fifth years, and older, are. This is where you will be from now on" Mrs Swopple announced.

Mr Harkness turned around and stared at the two of them. He was not impressed with the intrusion and walked towards them with his hands in his pockets.

The Rogue World Of Dostira: E.DWhere stories live. Discover now