Nurse Joe

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Her vision was muddled and every breath she took made the insides of neck feel as if they were being sliced by blunt knives. She winced every few seconds from the pain, which grew immensely as she tried to sit up. Twinges travelled down her spine and with that she could easily envision the cluster of bruises that now decorated her back. Audrey couldn't feel the soft white bed sheets around her and was oblivious to the smooth pillow that lay under her head. All she could feel was agony.

She reached out, trying to feel and grab a hold of something. Her hand then gripped onto warm skin, a hand, and she squeezed it tight.

   "Audrey, you're okay" Charlie said soothingly as he placed his other hand atop of hers.

She felt relieved as she blinked away the tears, finally able to see Charlie who was smiling down at her. Slowly opening her dry and chapped lips, she let out a small wheeze only to shut her eyes hard and tighten her grip on his hand. The pain was unbearable and Charlie knew it.

   "Nurse? Hello?" He cried out, refusing to let go of her hand.

A tall and slim man approached the both of him. He looked like a toothpick, with his pale skin and a long but skinny build. He had dark orange hair and freckles that covered the most of his face.

   "Okay, Miss Larson is it?" He asked.

He had nasal voice and walked around in a relaxed manner, casually flicking through documents in a black clipboard that he held in his hand.

   "Now I see you are new here at this bloody awful school" he chuckled and left a break for laughter but Charlie and Audrey both had deadpan expressions, they waited for him to continue.

He looked back at the clipboard, "Well, you would have thought that they would teach you how to self heal properly before going into a proelium class!"

He scoffed before glancing over at Charlie.

   "Nurse, uhh..." Charlie began as he tried to look for some sort of name tag.

   "It's Joe," the nurse responded with a smile before continuing to flick through the papers on the clipboard.

   "Joe, it's a long story. Audrey isn't supposed to be in Proelium until next semester. She was accidentally put in my class where she battled," he paused, "an ignis prodigy".

   "And does this ignis prodigy happen to be the Headmaster's nephew, by any chance?" He replied while continuing to read through the documents on the clipboard.

Charlie didn't have to answer for the nurse to know. It was common knowledge that William Kane was Mr Harkness' nephew, but to Audrey it was a complete surprise. However, the more she thought about it, the more it made sense; why a student like that would get away with being so aggressive. 

   "That boy is bad news. I know ignis prodigies are known for being aggressive hot-heads, but poor kids are coming in here with broken this and burnt that just because of him. But anyway, Miss Larson, you need something to help speed up your healing process" Joe began.

   "The report says that you're a Solis Prodigy. So there's good news and bad news. The bad news is that since that kid Kane sort of threw you to the ground, a lot of your flesh is bruised and some of your bones are broken. You'll need to stay here for the night. It's not the pain you'll need to worry about, we have plenty of medicine for that, it's your bodies ability to heal itself without any further disruption".

Joe then placed the clipboard under his arm, and walked over to a cabinet in the corner of the room. She tried her best to look around and capture a clearer image of where she was, but struggled only to see blurry grey walls with rows of beds and just the edge of the large cabinet where Joe stood. It was somewhat similar to the one she saw in her Auctus Appraisal, sort of hidden in the darkness and jet black. As she heard the cabinet door close and the lock click shut, her weary eyes saw Joe begin to walk over to her bed holding a glass bottle filled with a dark brown liquid. The liquid had no abnormal texture but it looked thick. Joe looked down at her concerned eyes and her lips that were squeezed into a tight line, he let out a small laugh.

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⏰ Last updated: May 15 ⏰

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