rhys x aelin pt 1

124 6 3

requested by: Queen22Fireheart


She was bleeding. Too much and too fast, Dorian's magic desperately weaving its way through the ruptures in her arm. Despite the dizziness slamming into her, she stood, one hand clutching the rough fabric of her tunic, teeth gritting to get through the searing pain as she danced with death itself. 

"Go," her voice a bare rasp.

"Let me heal you, please." Dorian said, not bothering to conceal the dread.


"Aelin I - ," he struggled to find his voice as glass came shattering down behind them, the sound deafening and clanging through every bone in his body. 

She grabbed him by the collar, "You are my friend and those people," she pointed to the massive fire threatening to bring down the entirety of a tower brimming with terrified faces, "those people are mine and I can't help them," her voice no short of begging, "I'm asking you as a friend to stick your neck out for me, one more time," she paused for a moment, "Can you do that for me, Dorian."

He pulled her to him an arm tight around her shoulders, "Go to the keep, Yrene's there. Hold three fingers to that wrist, the blood isn't stopping. Watch your left for the ilken and if you die I'll make a bargain with the gods to bring you back so I can kill you again. Understood?"

"As far as I remember, I'm the one who makes the demands Havilliard," she grinned, "Now go."

She watched him disappear into the crowd and stepped back to look for the keep when she felt a strong pull haul her into a vortex. 

Plunging through unrecognizable dark matter, the Fire Bringer struggled against every instinct to keep her eyes open, each cut on her body burning on the near verge of explosion. 

The fall wasn't as long as she'd made it out to be but all she could remember before she lost all sensation was hurling her guts out on a rugged stone floor, cold and unwelcoming.  


She was there and he didn't know what to do, she was there. Unconscious, maybe dead, so he walked over, slung an arm around her shoulders the other around her waist and walked off in search of Madja.

The hallways were always scarce at this time of day, Azriel busying himself with no one knows what and Cassian out in Velaris ridding the shops of their wine stocks. 


"Madja," his voice laced with softness, "I need your help."


It was an effort to force those eyelids open, much less figure out where in the name of Wyrd she was. No chains around her legs, pretty ceiling so no confinement, no fuming faces so probably not one of the long lists of people she'd pissed off. Whatever the odds were, they weren't too bad. At least that's all she could manage in her semi trance before the deep exhaustion put her back to sleep. 


He watched her from the shadows as she opened her eyes and stared unmoving, perhaps in contemplation. The drugs Madja gave were strong, ones that kept Cassian in a slumber for days on end although that might've just been him wanting to sleep like a pig. Whatever she was, she had to be someone powerful. beautiful.

Not long after, her eyes shut again and he slowly approached the bed. She was Fae, the tips of her ears nimble, skin gleaming, near perfect golden hair loosely hanging in gentle waves, the smooth curve of her breasts complimenting the outward dip of her hips but those hands, gods above, rough and callused, scars running down her wrists possibly up her arm, not that he could see with the robe Madja had covered her with, silently reminding him of his boundaries.

throne of glass and acotar one shots + imagines (paused but ill check requests)Where stories live. Discover now