rhys x aelin pt 2

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"There's a creature known as The Suriel."

"Prythia gossip central," Cassian added for further clarification.

Rhys cut him a glare but continued, Az still unbothered in every way, "We had problems which automatically led to questions. Suriel comes into play, answers our questions. Amren, my first, goes to work, discovers a particularly entailing prophecy, locks us out for forty five days, proceeds to make big black swirly holes, goes away to visit her boyfriend, you land here."

A minute passed. then another. No one said anything, no one dared after how her face was contorted with such fierce wrath.

Cauldron save us all because that woman looked like she was about to burn the place down. 

"What is your name." Azriel asked, the only one who dared brave the waters.

"My name is of no concern to you," she snapped. 

"You know ours, it's only fair we know yours."

Rhys turned to look at Azriel at that, silently hoping he'd shut up. 

"Unfortunately, it's not routine for me to kidnap absolutely random and may I add, people with THINGS TO DO OTHER THAN TALK TO THREE FAE VERSIONS OF BATS."

"She's not wrong, you know," Amren snorted from the back of the room, Cauldron knows when she managed to get in. 

"A sensible being amidst this land with stupid hunks of muscle," she looked the Night Court's first up and down, a small dip of her head. 

"Stupid hunks of muscle but hunks of muscle all the same," Rhys grinned. 

She picked up the bottle Madja left with the extra tonic in it and flung it at the High Lord, "I'm glad this turn of events seems to amuse you," Cassian flinching at the sound as it connected with the wall, bare inches from Rhys' shoulder, "You and your tiny cadre will get me back to Terrassen or -"

"Or what darling," The High Lord crooned, coming a little closer, "You have nothing to wager, no leverage, nothing to bargain with or for."

She only smiled at him, letting the sun shine off her canines, the ones that sent armies running. She lifted her fingers up and let the flames dance at its tips, not an assertion of dominance but one of stepping up to the male clad in all black, to let him know who she was, what she was, what she could do, that in every way imaginable she was as powerful as him if not more.

"And how far exactly," Cassian swallowed, "can that spread."

"Enough to harm you," her eyes mischievous, "perhaps burn you from the inside out so you could choke on your boiling blood or just singe some of those gorgeous locks."

"Is it bad that I like her," Amren was smiling, well, smiling as much as Amren could smile. 

"What's your name, Lady," she asked.

"A Lady I am not regardless of how good it sounds, the name is Amren."

"Let's just leave it that shall we," Rhys practically ran across the room, taking their guest by the arm. 

"Amren as in THE Amren -" she struggled against his hold but not as much as she could, words coming out in frustrated little sentences as he winnowed them away. 


I'm calm. I'm calm. I'm calm. Oh, so very calm. Calm. That is what I am. I am calm.

"I will kill you."

Rhysand chuckled, "We'll have enough time for that although I'd prefer things not being thrown at me."

His voice was sensuous in more than one way, the way it dipped at the end of each sentence, the curtains closing at the end of a play. Idiotic, but sensuous. 

She took in a deep breath, "What I'm about to do will scar me for the entirety of my miserable immortal life despite being such an unbelievably attractive, intelligent female. I shall listen to you," she paused almost as though she was regretting the words the moment they came out, "None of the small talk, zero bullshit, get straight to the point, we'll figure this out, your first'll make the swirly holes, I go back, everything's in place," She was pretty sure she looked the most uncomfortable she had in ages of running that witty mouth places she probably shouldn't have. 

He raised an eyebrow at her, "Are you sure all that kindness isn't killing you right now."

She scowled, "I'm just speeding the process up so we can all go back to doing what we do."

"No derogatory retorts. If winnowing's all it takes to shut you up, I'll just winnow you till that fire runs out."

"I surprise myself," and she meant it, her body suddenly drained. 

Almost as though he sensed it, Rhysand snapped his fingers, laying her down on the bed, his or not, she wasn't sure she cared, "Sleep."

"We need to fix this."

"You'll be trouble if you're going to turn up woozy and looking like the Attor."

"That Attor's got to be the most beautiful creature to ever descend on this pathetic continent," she mumbled, eyelids drooping. 

He laughed gently, leaning against the frame of the bed, "Sleep."



"Aelin, my name is Aelin. Aelin Ashryver Galathynius, your minion wanted it so bad. He can go do his research now and find all that blackmail material he's hoping to see."

"Azriel's intentions are one no one understands."

"I do. I understand everything and everyone."

"I'm sure you do, don't want you replacing the Suriel now."

She let out a small breathy laugh at that, "Where will you be?"

"In the library with Amren and Azriel, trying to figure out a way to clean this up. Cassian, if he can fathom being surrounded by all those books."

"Come find me later." 

"I'll come find you, Aelin."

With that she let the slumber pull her back into it's clutches, the image of the High Lord's face etched in her mind. 

i kind of dragged this one ugh but part 3's probably going to be the last (imma make yall cry a little), anyways vote if u want more, requests are open, love yall, bye <3

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 23, 2022 ⏰

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