The Start of the Journey : TWT

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The Start of the Journey : Witch Trials. (Chapter 1) 1/3

Once upon a Time, there was 3 idiots whom were Timetravellers, they go by the name of Ewof,Egif and Enif; two males and one female.

One day, they decided to overcome the merciless demon who is called 'Sama' in another dimension, and so they traveled and traveled until they made it to their desired destination. Let's see if they 3 idiots actually accomplished their mission to take Sama's head and sell it for loads of money.

"Nif-sann! Please carry mee, my legs are tiredd!!" The Female; Egif whined out for her usually quiet friend who didn't pay any attention to her. "Shut up Gif, i'm trying to focus on the map. We're at a bridge right now and i think we're lost--" Ewof furrowed his eyebrows as his eyes scanned the map for the 15th time, it was upside down until Enif silently fixed the map for him. "Ah, the way is that way!" Ewof grinned as he pointed his finger towards the other end of the bridge they were currently standing. "Let's go then!" Egif exclaimed as she ran to towards the direction with the lamp in hand, Enif sighed when Ewof chased after his friend while yelling out to her. Enif narrowed his eyes when he spotted a figure watching the two oblivious idiots from the corner of his eye, the figure was tall and slim, it adored a hat but it was too dark for him to see it's face. Enif blinked and the figure was gone, he clenched his fists and quickly trailed after his companions.

"Wof-san, what do you think this 'Sama' looks like?" Asked Egif as she and Ewof approached the glowing door with their lamps in hand. "Hmm, i don't know maybe like a Tall creepy ass bitch?" He hummed as Egif's exposed eye immediately turned into a heart when she gave in into her dirty mind. "Do you think she'll be a hot babe!?" Egif questioned as she clasped her hands together at the thought of a hot, tall, sexy, dominant female waiting for her. Ewof deadpanned at his friend's actions but blushed a little when the same thought came into his mind- 'what- no no- oh god why Egif, Why.' He shaked his head to get rid of the thought and slapped Egif's head making her bend slightly at the action. "Oww! What the hell?! Why'd you do that? That hurt ya know!" She grunted as Ewof shooked his head in disappointment. "Wait-- where's Enif-san?" And just when his name was Mentioned, Enif came with a jar that had a glowing butterfly. "Woah! Cool, what's that Nif?" Asked Ewof as he and Egif stared at the butterfly in awe. "It's a Butterfly spirit..basically a key to that door," He pointed at the huge glowing door making the two straighten up and look. "That door, behind it holds the four beasts; Jealousy,Rage,Control and Rebirth. We need to take something from each of them in order for us to go closer to Sama." The two nodded as Enif moved closer to the door, he opened the jar for the butterfly to come out and touch the door. The door and butterfly disappeared into glowing dust to reveal a dark hallway with more hallways connected to it, it looked like a maze. The three travelers stepped inside and when they did, the door behind them slowly build itself back up again. Egif whistled in awe as she patted Enif's shoulder with a proud and amazed grin. "Always did your research, i'm proud as always Nif-sann!!" she praised making Enif smile softly and look away. "Just because you praised me doesn't make me happy, dumbass~" Enif denied as he did a little dance while following Ewof who was traveling straight down the hallway with the map in hand. "Oi guys, come 'ere. I think this is the place where we need to place the objects in." Called out Ewof as the two quickly followed behind him.

"Woah, this is actually kinda lit." Egif looked around to see more hallways in each corner. Enif studied the four statues presented around the cherry blossom tree when Ewof touched one of them. Ewof's ear twitched slightly when he heard faint screaming coming from one of the hallways in the corner, he looked at the direction with a relaxed look. "That must be one of the Monsters." Egif perked up at this, she went to Ewof's side while looking at the direction he was looking at. She nudged his shoulder and smirked "wanna take one of them?" Ewof mirrored her smirk and nodded making Enif to wanna cry in the corner. Why does he always have to be the responsible one in the trio? Enif looked at his two idiotic companions who were already walking towards the direction of where the faint screaming is, he sighed, Mentally preparing himself to carry both of their asses again.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 15 ⏰

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