Bus Rides (Tyler)

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Hey! Thanks for opening up to the first chapter of 'Goner (A Twenty One Pilots Fan Fiction)


Bump after bump.

Another bump.

A few more.

Bump. Bump. Bump.

Bum- Huh what do you know no


"Ugh" I groan.

I check the time on my phone.

6:51 pm.

'Great' I think

I lay in the little empty space with a few blankets and a pillow for a bed. I open the little curtain next to my bed and look around. No one else is in here.

"Oh, oh, oh YEEEAAHH" screams Josh from the front of the bus.

"First place for the fourth time in a row! Haha suck on that Ben!"

I roll my eyes and shut the curtain. It's really quite in this part of the bus. We're all usually in the front playing some Mario Cart 64, talking about our plans for the show or just messing around. I plug in my headphones and look for some music to listen to, but before I can find a song I hear an outburst of noise.

"NOOO!! My reign of dominance is over!" I hear Josh whale.

"Well Josh you see, when you win four times in a row it is less likely that you will win." I hear Ben say.

"Who told you that?"

"Science told me that."

"Yeah yeah whatever, you and your science."

I hear Josh open the door and let out a deep sigh before,


I sigh. I pull open the curtain to reveal the dim lighting. Josh walks over and puts his face right in front of mine.

"Psst, Tyler." he says.

I look at him. His bright red hair that can be seen a mile away is inches from my face.

"What do you want," I say as I push his face away, which causes him to lose his balance and fall against the other wall of beds.
He regains his balance and resumes his former position.

"Tyler we got like half an hour till we're home. Why don't you come out?"

"I'm good. I don't wanna have to kick your butt in Mario Cart," I say as I smirk.

"Now that was a lack of focus!"

"Sounds to me like it was only science."

A few moments pass before we burst into laughter.

"Come on Josh. I really have the urge to beat you now."

"Come at me brother." Josh says as he puts on a tough guy expression.

I laugh so hard that I fall out of the bed. I regain my balance and push past Josh. I open the door and jump onto the couch and grab a control. Josh does the same.

"You gonna play with us Ben?" I say.

"No thanks. I just wanna be able to laugh when Josh looses."

"Well you won the last round so science is in my favor." Josh says trying to outsmart Ben.

"That makes no sense." I say.

"Well it does if your Joshua Dun."

"Yeah yeah whatever," I say with a smirk.

"Game on."



So this is the first chapter of Goner. Be ready for some tear jerking moments in these next few chapters. (You have been warned)

I hope you all enjoyed and I can't wait to write the rest of the story!

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