April meets Saphira and the turtles

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no one's p.o.v

*April began to wake up as the turtles surrounded her and Saphira still laid down still wearing her armor*

Donnie-breathing steady. blood pressure stabilizing,

raph-why are we still here playing doctor?

Leo-She may have a head injury

Mikey-Uh, correction. She's a hot chick who may have a head injury, which makes it our civic duty to...

Donnie-Ma'am, ma'am. Can you hear me? Do you know what city you're in? Do you know where you are?

Mikey-Have you seen that video where the cat plays Chopsticks with the chopsticks?

Leo-Can we focus here?

Donnie-Guys, please! Come on. Give her some air.

April-what are you?

Leo-well miss uh we're ninjas....

Raph-we're mutants...

Donnie-well technically we're turtles

Mikey-oh and we're teenagers but we can still have adult conversations

April-wait wait wait so your ninja, mutant, turtle, teenagers?

Donnie-well when you put it like that it sounds ridiculous

Raph-see she looking at us like we're freaks I bet that's why you took our picture wasn't it? to show your friends?

Mikey-bro that's a good thing maybe she has hot friends like our pretty dragon Saphira here

Raph-looking for this?

*holds up April's phone*

April-don't break it no no no please

*Leo takes the phone from raph*

Leo-how many times do I have to tell you we don't break things we fix them, Donnie already wiped the phone genius problem solved moving on

Raph-and who put you in charge?

Leo-you know who did!

Mikey-oooh tension it's been like 30 minutes since you guys had this argument

Saphira-*growls softly*

Donnie-Leonardo, Saphira if we wanna make it home before master we gotta hustle

April-*whispers*Leonardo? Saphira?

*the boys faced April*

Leo-do not say a word about this to anyone if you do? we will find you April O'Neil. we're on the move Raphael


*Leo got on Saphira's back as April watched the blue dragon stand with Leo on her back*

Leo-let's Go home Saphira

Saphira-you got it

Mikey-yeah! we'll find you O'Neil. I'm sorry that came across super creepy okay. we will find you though

*April takes a picture of the turtles and Saphira as they left while Saphira flew with her rider on her back*

Mikey-I was on fire, bro!, Did you see me back there? Guys, I totally talked to a girl!

Leo,donnie, Saphira and raph-Shut up, Mikey!

Mikey-Yeah, bra!

*the turtles ran through the sewers until they got stuck as Mikey farts grossing his brothers out as Saphira didn't get stuck*

Donnie-Mikey, was that you?


*at April's place*

April-Leonardo. I know those names. I know those names, Raphael, Raphael. Leonardo

*April play's an old video inside a camera*

Young April-Good evening This is April O'Neil reporting live from my daddy's lab I know it sounds pretty boring, but actually, he does some pretty cool stuff

John O'Neil-Time to put the camera away, April

Young April-Aw, Dad!

*the footage moves to Saphira's dragon egg*

young April-And now I will show you something amazing It's supposed to be from a different planet in outer space!

*the footage shows sacks injecting one of the turtles with mutagen*

sacks-Here we go, Ah!

young April-Mr. Sacks, what sort of experiments are you doing here?

*the adults laugh*

sacks-Oh, that's a very complicated question We're trying to change the world

young April-Look at the camera! Hello, Splinter. And these are my little turtles, Leonardo, Raphael, Michelangelo and Donatello The fans want to see you!

*young April had her finger on the glass of raph's cage until it cracks*

April-I knew it The vigilante,the dragon I saw him. I saw them! I saw them I've known them since I was a little girl They were my pets, They were my childhood pets, and they were named after Italian Renaissance painters

Taylor-Mom, I want to move back home

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