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Phoenix's pov

I walked into the prosecution's office with Maya and we immediately bumped into gumshoe. He was walking round with a pair of cat ears on to get in the festive spirit.

"Oh, come to pick up some evidence for your latest case?" He asked as he walked over to a cabinet and began flicking through files.

"Yeah, also I've gotta talk to Edgeworth about something." I mentioned as I looked around for the edgy prosecutor. He was no where to be found.

"You're lucky Mr Edgeworth holds evidence for you, a year ago he wouldn't even talk to you and now he's making sure you win your cases." Gumshoe said. I just laughed awkwardly along.

"I know! Ever since Mr Edgeworth came back Nick and him have been a lot closer!" Maya said as her and Gumshoe began to theorise as to why. Truth is, is that ever since I found out Edgeworth was alive I'd been wanting to spend more time with him and through spending more time with him casual flirting had began.

Whether or not Miles actually recognised that he was flirting with me was a different question but I preferred to think he was. It made my cheeks flush every time I thought about the sneaky looks he'd take at me.

And getting evidence from my rival prosecutors so I could win cases as well. It was so out of character for him and it really got my hopes up. No one knew about it though. Not even Maya.

She'd just make a big deal out of it if she knew there was something going on between us. That is if there is something going on between us.

I mean maybe, but Miles is so reserved. Would he openly flirt with me like that? Maybe he just doesn't know he's flirting with me, but Miles isn't the oblivious type. I mean he over analyses-

"Nick!" I snapped out of my thoughts at Maya calling my name. "Were you even listening?"

"Sorry, guess I got caught up in my thoughts." I said as my cheeks went a slight shade of red.

"Detective Gumfoot said that the evidence and Edgeworth would be in his office." Maya said.

"It's Gumshoe, we've known each other for over a year." Gumshoes grumbled in the background.

"Thanks detective." I thanked him before walking off in the direction of Edgeworths office. Maya waved bye to Gumshoe enthusiastically as we rounded a corner.

"I haven't been here in ages!" She said as she looked around at the fancy paintings that lined the walls and the large oak doors. "Do you even know where we're going?"

I nodded as we approached Edgeworths door. My gaze lingered on the golden plaque that held his name for a second before I knocked on the door.

"What?" I heard a very irritated Miles Edgeworth ask before stomping footsteps came towards the door and it swung open violently.

"Uh, hello to you too Edgeworth." I muttered hoping my humour would lighten his mood slightly. It didn't, in fact it made it worse.

"I don't have time for your witty sarcastic remarks Wright. What do you want?" He demanded. I frowned slightly, I tried to hide it but I was struggling.

I thought we had something but this interaction suggests otherwise. I looked down at the floor briefly to compose myself before meeting Edgeworths furious gaze again.

"I-I Uh, well- we-" I tried to star my purpose for being there but no words came out. I was still slightly offended at how rude he'd been to me.

"We're here to pick up some evidence you've been holding for Nick, Mister Edgeworth." Maya chimed in saving me from Edgeworth increasing annoyance with my stuttering.

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