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In Tokyo,Japan. April 30. In 8.25 am. Sakura house. Cousins apartment.(*-Action^thought)

???-(slowily wakes up with dark circle)*Yawn.....(straight black short hair,light brown skintone with dark brown eyes)(A pretty girl)(suffling the blankets and hops out of the clean bed with a party dress)*Strech*(feets crash down to 3 liquor bottle at the side of the bed spilling some on the floor)

(Just then)

(Door opens)(The room is divided into half the gaming side and studing side and Bi is in the Study side clean room)

??-(Staright black hair, light brown skin tone with dark brown eyes and specks)(An adult)(carrying a tray with a 2 hot mugs)(With a maid uniform)Bi!Hurry up you are going to be late again!!dont miss your bus the 30th time!!(Hurries to pass the mug to Bi)I've put extra ginger and lemon

in this hangover tea because you guys drinked a lot last night!Hurry up!(Strides to the next door)

Bi- (Sips the tea)It doesn't taste nice if you put extra ginger and lemon in one cup Shreesh Dada!!(Holding the cup down)

(From another room)

Shressh-Wake up Shray!!Don't miss your bus the 30th time!(Snatching the blanket)

Shray-(Black hair,Dark brown eyes,heavy weight with white skin on a party dress)(a pretty boy)Ugh!!!Just 1 min more!!!(pulling the blanket towards him)

(In Bi's room)

Bi-Ughhh!Tastes like shit!(looks around)sees a cactus plant aside the studious side bed)^got a plan!^(sneaking out to the plant)

(Just then)

???-Bi Didi that plant is of plastic that hangover tea will overflow in the floor.(a nerd )pale white skin with black straight hair and heavy specks.Lean and thin)(In A high uniform)

(cleaning the liquor on the floor)(takes the three bottle)

Bi-O!Sri!thank god you are here!(goes to hug)(hugs)by the way what happened to your previous cactus plant?(stops to hug)

Sri-It died (taking the glass bottle to cousions recylye bin )

Bi-(Following Sri)How?(Curious)

Sri-Because you putted too much lemon and ginger water to my plant so I had to buy a fake plant.

Bi-(Instant regret)(Silent)

Sri-*light laugh*I was just joking!my plant was from the beginning made with plastic because I don't like to have the hustle of watering my plants everyday.(Smile)Cheer up!(Recyling it)

Bi-I was dead inside a moment!(puts hand in Sri's Shoulder)Don't kid me like that!(relief)

(Just then)

???-Its already 8.30 and buses will arrive at 8.35!(Black wavy short hair, Dark Brown eyes, white skin, Cute girl)(A high school uniform)

Sri-(Serious mode on)...

Bi-Really?Bisa? Puts hand in her head)(Dizzy) Shit!I don't want to miss my bus again!the 3rd shift bus is always packed!and you guys are already ready

Sri(takes the hang over tea .Goes to the kitchen and starts to make a new one)

Bisa-(Signs)have you and Shray even done the assignment of 30 days?How are you both gonna finish that overnight?(Goes to Shrays room)

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