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Make no mistake , Heather is no avenger and never will be one

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Make no mistake , Heather is no avenger and never will be one .

Make no mistake , Heather is no avenger and never will be one

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Heather is very headstrong in doing things her way .

After everything that happened with HYDRA and once she finally came to terms with Bucky , Heather was offered a few times to join the avengers or even shield . But she denied them on every single occasion .

Heather had her own plans for her future and they were much darker then what shield or the avengers had to offer .

Heather may be sweet to those she doesn ' t know or to those who she has no reason to hate . But for those who harmed her and her sister she has a plan for them .

Heather killed the HYDRA scientist who made her into The Muse . What made it so cruel was by the time she got to it , it was nearly forty years later and the man was old , weak , and helpless . The scientist assumed Heather to be an avenger , for he had heard of her becoming friends with both Bucky Barnes and Captain America . He smiled at the sight of Heather after seeing her for the first time in so long . He commented on how young she looked

" you haven ' t aged a day since you escaped . But I have aged a lifetime . "

His words and crooked smile bothered her deeply and then he commented on her being an avenger , his incorrect assumption .

" you are an avenger now , miss O ' Neal . Have you come to kill me ? Why , that ' s certainly not something an avenger would do . "

Heather ' s glare at him became deadly . She stepped closer and soon the man couldn ' t breathe . Blood dripped from the muses ' nose , a symbol that she was using her power . Without emotion on her face or in her tone Heather told him one final sentence .

" I am no avenger . "

Before using her psychokinesis abilities to rip out his throat . Void of emotion , Heather wiped the blood from her face and left . She delivered a similar fate to all of the remaining HYDRA agents she could find , giving them equally gruesome and violent deaths .

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