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A Complete Study of the Relationship of Heather O'Neal and James Buchanan Barnes

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A Complete Study of the Relationship of Heather O'Neal and James Buchanan Barnes


PARTNERS IN CRIME - upon recruiting Heather against her will for HYDRA and their experiments Heather and the Winter Soldier became partners in crime. They weren't close emotionally or physically but terms of blind devotion they were two halves of the same machine. A machine designed by HYDRA to take down their enemies. They were designed flawlessly, The Winter Soldier having the strength and skill of an expert solider and The Muse having the mind and unrealistic power of a true muse of Greek mythology. They were unstoppable together. They didn't speak to each other unless it had to do with their missions. They shared a common goal and that was it.


HYDRA'S MOST WANTED- after escaping the scientists and soldiers of HYDRA, Heather lived in fear. Fear of her past and fear of it coming back to haunt her. Heather, like Bucky, was afraid of the consequences of her actions while under her blind devotion to HYDRA, but more importantly to her she was afraid of him. Heather now lived in fear of the Winter Soldier. When she caught wind of the famous captain America fighting a man with a metal arm in Washington D.C. a new paranoia took ahold of her. He was back, the man that she did terrible terrible things with. But also the one who kept her in line. During her time with HYDRA if Heather spoke out of line or did anything against the creeds of HYDRA the Winter Soldier was the one to reprimand her. The fear and anxiety that she got from just the memories of him was enough to terrify her to her very core. And the knowledge of him being back cause her to live in fear.


I AM JAMES BUCKY BARNES AND YOU'RE PART OF MY EFFORTS TO MAKE AMENDS- of course, the day did come that Heather did once again face the man from her past. Those eyes, those same cold eyes, had not changed. Terror took ahold of her but Bucky didn't know why. He assumed he hurt this woman in his past. But how? What had he done to her. Heather was different then the rest. He recognized her in a way he didn't recognize the rest of his victims. Heather tried her best to assure him that she was no one and he didn't know her until it was evident to her he was no longer the Winter Soldier. Bucky was different now. He could think for himself, and speak for himself. He was no longer a controlled weapon of HYDRA. Heather gave him a second chance, allowing the two to have a much needed and long awaited talk.


PLATONIC SOULMATES - what is a platonic soulmate? Two people that are inevitably drawn to each other and complete each other but not in a romantic way. It's when a person gives you a sense of belonging, a sense of being found. After smoothing things over with the former Winter Soldier, Heather learns to trust him once again. The two are inseparable. She's been there for him through almost everything. They share many adventures now, both good and bad. And no matter what, they're always there for each other. Heather understands Bucky like no one else, having gone through the same experience as he did when HYDRA used him. And Bucky understand Heather in a way no one else can as well. Their bond from their days working together evolved from one of blind loyalty to one of mutual understanding and respect. They are once again partners in crime.

 They are once again partners in crime

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