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"Hmm?" With a curious hum, a young boy walked into the alley. His steps were careful as he bit onto the lollipop between his lips.


He shuddered faintly when he heard a loud grunt coming from the corner and his pace stopped, hesitating.

"AHHH!" Grunts became screams as the boy's breath hitched, his small hands tightly clutching onto the hem of his shirt. He could smell the heavy scent of wet metal and amid mixed odor, he could scent a rather familiar subtle hint of coffee and chocolate.

"I'm s-sorry! I swear it was-wasn't me!" The man could be heard gasping while he speaks.

"Hit him." A voice spoke with a mundane tone and whacks are echoing in the narrow street against the grimy walls.

"It w-wasn't me! It was Archie!" And all the commotion stopped, the younger boy mustered a little courage and began walking towards the corner. He was a step away from turning to the corner when the previous voice said again.


"Y-yes, it was Archie all along. I've nothing to do with all this." The man heaved and a loud thud resounded.

"Find Archie."

"Yes, sir." The young boy instantly stepped a few back when he heard the reverberating footsteps. He was face-to-face with a few men and they were too, surprised to see the boy there.

"Sir, there's a boy here." One of the men grasped his wrist and pulled him into the corner. His heart thumped aloud as he trembled under the forceful hold.

"A boy, you say?" The man with his back facing the younger budded his cigarette on the wall and turned, gazing at the latter. He raised his brow when the younger stared at him with a cheeky grin.

"Hi, P'." With a wave, the grip around the boy's wrist loosen and he gently caressed the reddened skin.

"Why are you here?" The man asked as he glared at his subordinate that had his hand around the boy's wrist.

"I... was just walking by."

"Like I would ever believe what you said."

"I'm serious, P'. I swear." His hand reached out three fingers in a salute gesture, eyes glimmering quirkily.

"You should head home now, kiddo." The boy shook his head and angled his body as he tried to peek at the figure that was laying on the floor. But the man was quick to block his view, turning him away. His hands were on the lithe shoulders as he pushed the boy out of the corner.

"I'll give you one more chance, Arthit. Why are you here?"

His head bowing in defeat, the younger muttered, "I heard sounds and I was curious."

"Curiosity kills the cat, you know?"

"But I'm not a cat!" The younger retorted and the man flicked his forehead, he could only frown in pain as the latter softly massaged the spot to ease the pain.

"You know what I mean, so don't be so cheeky." They continued walking when Arthit halted his steps, turning to his side and facing the man.

"So... what happened to the guy earlier?"

"Nothing. Nothing happened and don't you dare telltale your brother before I say anything about this matter." The man warned and Arthit jutted out his tongue, irked by the former's threat.

"I'm not afraid of you, P'Kong."

"Really? Then... no pink milk for you for a week."

"Hey! That's not fair!" He snapped and started chasing Kongpob that had started striding away.

"Wait for me! I'll tell P'Prem you're bullying me." His hand was about to reach and grab the edge of Kongpob's shirt when he accidentally tripped himself.


Kongpob swiftly turned around and picked Arthit up who already has tears flowing down his cheeks.

"What did I say about running, you clumsy kid?"

"But you're gonna leave me here alone." He sniffled and buried his face in Kongpob's chest.

"Hurt anywhere?" Kongpob's voice softens when Arthit sobbed quietly.

"My kn-knee."

"Okay, we're going home right now, little boy."

"I'm not a little boy, I'm already eight years old. A teenager!"

"Y-yeah, Prince Arthit. Let's get you clean up before Prem starts getting mad at us, alright?"

"Mmhmm." He nodded when the elder carried him in his arms, his head in the nook of Kongpob's neck, inhaling the soothing scent and he missed the elder's hand gesturing behind his back. Not long after, an unconscious figure had been dragged out of the alley much to Arthit's acknowledgment.

Hey guys, this is a new story of mine and obviously, I wasn't used to writing about omegaverse but I'll try my best. Just note that in this story, there'll be no mention of pheromones or fated mates. The alphas here still generally have a larger and taller figure and the opposite goes for the omegas. That's all from me, more information will be revealed along with the story. I hope you'll enjoy reading this story❤️

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