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~With Kairi~

Damn, the smell of the salty water can really make you wake up in the morning. I've been a captain of this crew for a long time and somehow it's been getting better and worse. I love my crew. I treat this crew as if I've known them all my life and I want them to have the best treatment as possible while at sea.

I decided to get up, dress in my coat and hat and walk out on the deck. I saw Hiroshi, my first mate, keeping an eye out for anything unusual. Hopefully there's nothing wrong out here.

Hiroshi: おはようキャプテン! (Good morning Captain!)

Me: おはよう最初の仲間! 異常なものは何でも? (Good morning first mate! Anything unusual?)

Hiroshi: いいえのマナ。 まだ何も見たことがありません。 (No ma'am. Haven't seen anything yet.)

Me: 大丈夫。 乗組員が給餌されましたか? (Alright. Has the crew been fed?)

Hiroshi: はいMa'am。 私は途中で食べ物が乏しいので、私は彼らすべてを食べたことを確かめました。 (Yes ma'am. I made sure they all ate because food is scarce at the moment.)

Me: 良い。 あなたが何かを見つけるとき、私はあなたに私に知らせてほしいです。 私たちは政府からのこの支払いが必要です (Good. When you find something, I want you to let me know. We need this payment from the government-)

Crewman: キャプテン! (CAPTAIN!)

I ran to my crewman as I had to see what was going on.

Me: それは何ですか? (What is it?)

Crewman: 私たちの前に難破船がありますか。 チェックアウトしますか? (There's a shipwreck ahead of us. Do we check it out?)

Me: 絶対に。 その難破船の頭! (Absolutely. Head for that shipwreck!)

We managed to sail over there and drop the anchor, but before we could go on a rowboat, we heard some splashing far away from us. It was in a fog so we had to be careful. I had my flintlock and cutlass ready while the crewman and some of my soldiers had their guns drawn and their swords ready to be unsheathed.

When the fog settled, it was a survivor. He was swimming on a piece of the ship towards us. He looked bloodied up as if it was a recent attack! Hiroshi cocked back his hammer before I stopped him.

Me: そのピストルを滞在! (Stay that pistol!)

I looked at him for a moment to read his facial expressions. It looked like he needed help and some pirates came looking for him. He looked handsome under all that blood and he was desperate for someone to get him out of the water.

I couldn't help but feel sorry for him. He must've had a family back home and he wanted to get to them, so I had to do the thing that separates me from other pirates outside of Japan...

Me: 彼を助けてください。 (Help him.)

Hiroshi: 何? (What?)

Me: 彼を船に持ってきなさい。 彼は助けが必要です。 (Bring him onto the ship. He needs help.)

Crewman 2: しかし、キャプテン、彼は敵と一緒にいることができました! (But Captain, he could be with the enemy!)

Me: 私はファックをしません! 彼を助けなさい! (I don't give a fuck! Help him up!)

The Sea And A Pearl (Kairi Sane X Male OC)Where stories live. Discover now