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~With Kairi~

As we were approaching Tokyo, some ships were coming at us and we have to sort all this out. I hate it when some assholes try to stop us from entering. They think they own everything in Japan.

I had my crew unleash all the cannons and load them in case they try to attack us.

Captain: 大尉ホジョ! あなたはあなたが東京にここに戻ってくると思いますか? (Captain Hojo! Who do you think you are for coming back here to Tokyo?)

Me: 私は囚人を手に入れましたが、彼は負傷しました。 彼は助けが必要です。 (I got a prisoner, but he's wounded. He needs help.)

Captain: 私はあなたが港に入ることを許可し、あなたが彼を医者に届けることを許可しましたか? 部外者を許可していません! 今まで! (What makes you think I'll allow you to enter the port and have you deliver him to a doctor? We don't allow outsiders! Ever!)

Me: 彼は東京から来ることが起こります。 彼は彼の家に戻ってくるのに抵抗していますが、それは彼自身の良いことです。 (He happens to be from Tokyo. He's resisting to come back to his home, but it's for his own good.)

I wasn't budging. I want to help this poor guy and these assholes don't want me to bring him back home.

After some convincing, they finally let us through and get Tadashi to a doctor. It took us a while to find one, but we did.

It was only a matter of time before the other pirates find us and put our brains on the floor, so fixing him up had to be fast, but it was a slow process. We had to wait.

I sent some of my crew to go around and relax while I waited for Tadashi to get fixed up. I still feel this jumpy feeling in my stomach. I don't know what it is.

Me: 聡。 (Satoshi.)

My other crew member came to me as I had to give him a little mission. I had to ask him for something.

Me: 私の親しい友達マサミオケートを見つけてほしい。 彼女に電話をかけているように言う、それは緊急で、彼女が私を見つけるまで彼女が質問しないでください。 今行きなさい。 (I want you to find my close friend Masami Odate. Tell her I'm calling for her, it's urgent, and have her not ask questions until she finds me. Go now.)

He went out as I still waited. In the meantime, I had a sip of the saki I had in a little canteen and I still waited. I'm usually a patient person so I didn't mind waiting.

After a couple minutes, Satoshi came back with Masami and my Gods was I happy to see her.

Masami: Kairi!

Me: ちょっとマサミ! (Hey Masami!)

We hugged and sat down while Tadashi was getting bandaged up. I just needed someone to talk to and who better than Masami? I mean she and her parents took me in after my father had beaten my mother and I and it made sense to go to her.

Me: あなたはあなたの胃の中で面白い気持ちを感じたことがありますか? (Have you ever felt a funny feeling in your stomach?)

Masami: わかりません。 あなたはどういう意味ですか? (I don't know. What do you mean?)

Me: 私の乗組員と私はこの囚人が本当にひどく殴打されたように見えたが、それのすべての下で彼はハンサムだった。 私はまだ愛のような気がしますが、私は言うことができません。 (My crew and I found this prisoner that looked beaten up really badly, but under all of that, he was handsome. I still feel like it's love, but I can't tell.)

The Sea And A Pearl (Kairi Sane X Male OC)Where stories live. Discover now