Chapter 5

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P.s. Not edited


I reluctantly woke up to the sound of my phone ringing like crazy, making my head throb like mad. After tossing and turning for five minutes straight, hoping that the ringing would stop, I gave up and with an agonizing sounding groan answered the phone.

"Hello?" I answered in a croaky voice, not even bothering to see the caller ID before picking up.

"WHERE ARE YOU?" I heard Breanna scream in a panicked voice, making me wince and quickly move my hand away from my head as fast as possible.

"What do you mean, where am I?" I asked in my weird morning voice, scratching the back of my head.

"I CAN'T FIND YOU ANYWHERE IN THE FRATERNITY HOUSE!" Breanna yelled, making me move the phone further away and scrunch my eyebrows in confusion.

What the hell was she talking about?

"What are you talking about? I'm at home," I stated, stifling a yawn. "I just woke up."

"You just wok- WHAT ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT?" she asked in a shocked voice, but then all of a sudden a loud crash sounded in the background and the line cut.

"What the fuck?" I asked in confusion as I stared at the phone for a good ten minutes. "What fraternity?" I asked the phone with furrowed eyebrows, hoping it would somehow give me an answer. I sighed after a couple minutes, not getting an answer, and looked over to the clock by my night stand.

5:00 am

'Fraternity. Loss of memory. Five in the morning,' I said to myself, trying to piece together as much things as I could. Sadly, everything I pieced together wasn't necessarily helping me at all. If anything, it was just confusing me and sending me waves of headaches.

"What am I supposed to do now?" I muttered to myself as I stared at the clock. It's too late to go to sleep since in two hours I have to leave and I can't guarantee I'll wake up for a second time. Going for a jog to wake myself up isn't an option, considering my horrible headache and numb body.

'I could just make coffee and go on the Internet,' I said in my head suggestively, making me scratch my head and think over the idea.

After spending five minutes reluctantly getting out of bed and feeling twenty times colder then I was under my covers, I went into the bathroom and started doing my makeup- dabbing a little bit of concealer under my eyes and where the couple red spots were- and brushed my teeth.

After that I felt more awake and decided to actually take a good look in my appearance this morning.

What I saw shocked me.

Before even with the concealer you could still see the bags under my eyes and the little red spots, but this morning it looked like I didn't even need any of it. All of my red spots and couple zits were completely gone, and my skin looked absolutely flawless.

Something was wrong.

Immediately I ran into my room and grabbed a random, small, towel that I found on my bedroom floor, running back into my bathroom and drenching the towel in water. As soon as it was saturated in water I slapped the towel on my face and ran it up and down my face, rubbing harshly to make sure the makeup was off.

After I was completely sure the concealer was off I threw the towel away, turned on my lights, and put my face inches away from the mirror in my bathroom, on top of my sink.

Flawless, perfect, even toned, clear skin was all I saw when I looked into the bathroom mirror.

"What the hell?" I blurted out in shock as I looked at my face, touching it to see if it was just a foggy mirror trick. How could all of my bags, zits, and marks go away in the span of eight hours?

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