Chapter Thirty Five: Time

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          The twins were kicked out of the infirmary as Ron and Professor Snape were being treated. Hermione told me everything up until Harry ran off to save Sirius. My heart ached to think my brother was alone to handle all of this. Deeper in my heart, I was envious that he got to bond with the man I have yet to confront and forgive for myself.

          "So," I tried to make sense of what Hermione told me, "Scabbers was Peter Pettigrew the whole time? And he was the one who betrayed my parents? He cut off his finger to frame Sirius Black and succeeded. My godfather is actually innocent. Professor Lupin is a werewolf? And the 'Grim' black dog was Sirius too because he's an illegal animagus?"

          Ron whimpered as Madam Pomfrey finished wrapping his leg, "Bloody hell, Mei, you're taking this well."

          I laughed, "It's probably the head injury keeping me calm."

          Hermione lifted my bangs and saw the bandage, "I'm sorry, Mei. You got hurt in all this, too."

          I shook my head, "Draco found me actually and he brought me here."

          Ron was shocked, "He helped you?"

          Madam Pomfrey defended him, "Yes, Mr. Malfoy did and you should both thank him as he was the one who sent Professor Snape."

          Professor Snape slipped out though so I don't know how much he heard. I was worried though. I needed to know my brother was ok. Madam Pomfrey gave me another tonic to help my anxiety and my head but I got too relaxed. I must have dozed off because when I awoke, Harry was now in the bed next to mine.

          "Harry!" I cried out.

          He started saying something about our dad but I got distracted by two roses next to my bed. There was a note left with them: 'Get well soon love, Your twins'. I smiled but that was soon gone when Hermione told us that not only was Sirius captured, but he was to be executed as well. My heart sank, I can't handle anymore executions in one day. Professor Dumbledore came in and was talking nonsense about three spins to Hermione. I agreed with Ron's confusion during this.

          The clock tower was striking it's hour when Hermione ordered us around. She had Harry and I stand beside her as she put a huge necklace around the three of us and spun the pendant three times. People began moving in reverse around us. It was now dinner time. Harry and I followed Hermione on the way to Hagrid's hut without being seen by anyone. My twin and I were both confused seeing another set of Harry, Ron and Hermione fighting Draco and his two friends that I saw with him earlier today. I laughed a little when I saw Hermione punch Draco in the face.

          "You definitely broke his nose," I told her.

          She explained to us that she had a time turner and that's how she's been able to sneak up on us in classes. Not only were we the ones responsible for breaking Hagrid's vase, but we also threw a rock at Harry's head. The twig that snapped in the forest was also us. It made my heart happy to know that we set Buckbeak free and the thing that was executed was just one of Hagrid's giant pumpkins. We led Buckbeak out to the Forbidden Forest with us and we took refuge in a spot that we could see the Whomping Willow from. I sighed in relief knowing that Draco told the truth about sending Professor Lupin and Professor Snape after my brother and our friends. However, I also felt some guilt knowing that I yelled at Draco. He did look hurt by what I said.

          While we were waiting, Harry explained what happened after he followed Sirius. There was another lake down below that he found Sirius laying by the edge of. As he went down, a swarm of dementors came in and was sucking the life out of him and our godfather. I held Harry's arm tight as he retold the events. Harry explained that he could only use his patronus once, but on the other side of the lake, someone was able to scare off all the dementors before he passed out. He really believes it was our dad. 

Mei Potter, Year Three | Twin from AmericaWhere stories live. Discover now