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"Kris! [Name]!" The sound of your mother snapped you out of your trance. Since Asriel had already left for on campus college, you stayed home and took online college classes to stay with Kris.

"Coming, Mom!" You called out.

You joined your family in the kitchen.

"You're not going to be home this evening, correct, dear?" Toriel asked.

"Yup! I'm tutoring two of the kids in Kris's class today." You said.

"Oh, how wonderful. You'll be an amazing tutor, I bet." She smiled.

"Thanks, Mom." You gave her a grin.

"I'll be taking Kris to school, so don't let the house burn down while I'm gone, alright?" She said.

"You got it, Mom!" You saluted.
"Very good." She patted your head.

"Love you guys!" You gave Kris and Toriel a hug.

"Love you too, dear." Toriel gave a soft smile.

Kris hugged you back, tighter than you had originally hugged. You ruffled their hair playfully.

Soon enough, your mother and sibling had left for the day. You spent a good portion of your day working on classes. By the time you finished up, it was around 1 o'clock. You had a few hours before you had to tutor. It wouldn't hurt to visit Dad, would it?

You gathered your things and set off to your father's flower shop.

Asgore turned towards the door, hearing his bell ring. His face brightened when he saw you. Crushing you in a hug, he grinned.

"[Name]! How kind of you to visit your old man!" Asgore said.

"Hey, Dad." You smiled, "Decided to stop by and visit before I have to go tutor later."

"Oh, tutoring hm? I bet you'll be great at that!" He said.

"Thanks. I gotta go visit someone else before I go to the library though." You said.

"Oh." He frowned.

"Well, it was nice of you to visit, champ!" He said.

"Love you, Dad!" You waved, walking out of the door.

"Love you too, Sweetie!" He said.

Ah yes, time to visit your other dad. You have to balance it out. Walking into his store, you huffed as you saw him asleep behind the front desk.

"Oi." You said.
"Sans." You said again.
No response but snores.

"SANS." You demanded.

You could see the smug look on his face. He was faking it.
You groaned.

"The Most Supreme Dad In The World." You groaned in embarrassment.

"Ah, [Name]! How cool of you to stop by." He said, winking.

You huffed. "Very funny."

"I know, I should do stand-up comedy." He said.

"Please for the love of everything, don't." You said, groaning.

"You know I'm just kidding with ya, kid." He said.

You sighed with a small smile. "Yeah, yeah."

"So, can I help you?" He asked.

"I just decided to stop by before I had to go tutor some kids at the library. What, can't I visit my dad?" You grinned, shrugging.


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